
Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by *foxy*, Jun 5, 2023.

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  1. *foxy*

    *foxy* Someday Author

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We have been monitoring your feedback regarding the Scar debuffs.

    Firstly, to clarify, players will still receive the Gotcha Debuff every time they are caught using a third-party program, that has not changed.

    Once the Gotcha debuff expires, then the same players will receive the Scar Debuff, giving them a slight reduction in different attributes and decreased loot gain.

    With the new update we are announcing today, the Scar debuffs will also disable different aspects of the game.

    Scar 1+ will disable the Aura of Protection item, Scar 2+ will disable the League of Captains, and Scar 3 will disable the Bonus Maps and Raid Map too.

    You can find the effects of each Scar debuff listed below, again, these are an additional punishment as well as the Gotcha debuff.

    1st Scar Debuff (duration of 1 month):
    • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 2%
    • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 2%
    • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 0.7 seconds
    • Currency Loot: Reduced by 10%
    • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
    • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
    • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
    • Disabled Aura of Protection
    2nd Scar Debuff (duration of 3 months):
    • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 5%
    • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 5%
    • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 1.4 seconds
    • Currency Loot: Reduced by 20%
    • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
    • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
    • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
    • Disabled Aura of Protection
    • Disabled League of Captains
    3rd Scar Debuff (duration of 6 months):
    • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 5%
    • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 5%
    • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 2.1 seconds
    • Currency Loot: Reduced by 30%
    • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
    • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
    • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
    • Disabled Aura of Protection
    • Disabled League of Captains
    • Disabled Bonus Maps
    • Disabled Raid Maps
    We remain committed to fair gameplay, and we shall not hesitate to further increase punishments.

    Your Seafight Team

    so im curious how this is fair gameplay ? it encourages people to use bots. log on run bot thats it. 99% less time spent grinding.

    cheating is cheating and should be met with the commitment you stated and the fairplay you stated.

    cheat = ban
    first time 1 month
    2nd time 6 months
    3rd time permanent.

    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

    Dont ban DELETE all bot accounts.
  3. oguz2oguz

    oguz2oguz Forum Apprentice

    the debuffs arnt bad enough they should be harsher punishments they are showing that they dont care about the debuff yet there still able to fight and have more stuff then the people that play the game fairly maybe when there caught using bots instead of them getting just the debuff take away what they gained in the past 30 days reset there progress 10 days first time 20 days the next 30 days the next then if caught again they lose everything have to start from level 1 all over like its a brand new boat
    Bawdyn and booghy1973 like this.
  4. m0zilla

    m0zilla Forum Apprentice

    very nice
  5. oguz2oguz

    oguz2oguz Forum Apprentice

    there is seriously something wrong when the players with debuff brag in global about having the debuff and still being able to sink players without the debuff there showing they can care less about this debuff yous introduced make it so when the player has a debuff they cant attcak players or there pvp damage is 0% make it acthually mean something make it so the cant fight at all they obviously dont care about what yous are doing to them
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