survey rewards

Discussion in 'Help' started by =dWaRfiE$=, May 5, 2014.

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  1. =dWaRfiE$=

    =dWaRfiE$= Forum Apprentice

    Hi! Just want to know what happen to the survey rewards? As of this time, no rewards have been credited to my account.
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We can not give a definite date, however I can state nothing will be awarded till after the survey is reviewed and all data collected.
  3. *The_Tsunami*

    *The_Tsunami* Advanced

    We're all waiting m8, you just have to be patient. The mods said it should be pretty soon. They don't know because the developers haven't given them an exact time on when they will be handed out.
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    I appreciate the addition to the post, and hope that the OP will be satisfied with the answers.
  5. [AM§]*Wølƒ*

    [AM§]*Wølƒ* Forum Overlooker

    To add. All data to be reviewed, evaluated, then put into data files. Then work on a script to book it. It could take a while.
  6. =dWaRfiE$=

    =dWaRfiE$= Forum Apprentice

    Ok. Thanks for the response. You can now close this thread.
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As per OP request.

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