Test level 57 - level 58

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jul 18, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Test level 57 - level 58
    Dark Needs

    Start At: Mister Smythe (SH-12)



    Inflict at least 700 000 damage to the NPC Kalytron (heavily wounded)
    Return to the quest-giver Mister Smythe

    Where to find?!

    Kalytron (heavity wounded) can be found within the Kalytron's Retreat raid map


    Grey and his goons seek the power which exists in this region, and their presence will merely disrupt it more. Especially if one like Flynt gets word. Luckily he is down in the depths, but we need to get to the heart of this problem quickly.

    End At: Mister Smythe (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    280 Orichalkum
    1 Dragon Bind
    Level 58