The Chat ban system

Discussion in 'Help' started by ░§ΦD▓►, Apr 2, 2014.

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The chat system is to hard on the players

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  1. ░§ΦD▓►

    ░§ΦD▓► Someday Author

    Dear Seafight Players- and Staff,

    I believe we all know the hard chat ban system on seafight and I get it it is good to have and it is nice for some reasons. But it has a huge con part to and thats the part I like to get in to...

    So first of all why do we the players get a chat ban for saying the most normall sentences and the most normal things. Like nigga, gay and ***. 3 things that not always ment in the bad sentence. And yes I understand that a filtering system has a hard time to filter sentences. But I got a 7 day ban for saying nigga. In the following sentence: Sad no nigga eva. As a joke on one of my guild mates.

    Did I wrote support. Yes I did check it:

    The reaction:

    So I wrote this nice letter and this is what I get back. Okay great but still got a ban of 7 days for saying something that whas never ment bad. So I would ask does somewan got the same problems as me. Fill in the poll and leave a message.

  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This is not a general question, and should not be in this section. You can use the user to user section to place this pole.

    However this will not change the rules of the chat as they stand now.

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