Feedback The Elements of Winter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Nov 29, 2023.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Using the appropriate elemental torpedo, I think it was ~200-250k (I don't recall the exact amount). If I go back in for quest 3, I'll pay closer attention. How can I get the sub to move faster? It feels like it moves 10% of my surface ship speed.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    Did you finish 2nd or 1st tier quests? Some of these provided you with War Paints, make sure that your War paint Mighty Swordfish is equipped on you sub. This can be done the same way you move ribs onto your ship.

    Ahoy BOMBER890!

    The plague action item (Surgeon's Visage) is currently missing animation, this has been forwarded, so most likely you spawned close to the player who had plague activated on him.

  3. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    @Rymar shooting those 3 ships for the quest was the first time I did anything in Atlantis other than 'go to a coordinate'. As I've stated before, I have zero interest in Atlantis. I have only done these quests as there is no other way to get to the surface quests. I have no intention of returning to Atlantis for any other reason.

    Please forward my feedback that the surface and Atlantis quests/events should be completely separated from each other so those of us with no interest in Atlantis can fully participate in the surface event and quests. This tactic of forcing us to do Atlantis is not working. If the third quest in this line does not return me to surface quests, then I will abandon this quest line and it will join the other abandoned quest lines where I am being forced to do group maps to continue.
    phatty-Boastrike and The*Defiant like this.
  4. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Well - now I will blow the lid off of the Dance of Death Group Map problem. Remember players wouldn't shoot the Boss and how frustrating that was? I decided to join the party (I finished the Event tasks). Look at the gems on this ship I just won. Goodness - not only did Christmas come early, but I guess everything we ever did to get where we are is now "for sale" or "free" on this game.

  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I got these goodies from one of the "hybrid" two-part quests (Seafight and Atlantis). Kind of a shame to be forced to do it or lose out. There was an Event pet in this, and it had a Level 31 and a Level 32 gem.

    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 2 x Ancient Emblem.
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 150 x Orichalkum.
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 450 x Safanad coin.
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 2500 x Yulong coin.

    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 1 x Death Dance Diva. <--(Pet with two gems)
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 15000 x Crowns.
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 12000 Elite point(s).
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 500000 EXP (experience points).
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 7500 x Event points.
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 Congratulations! Quest completed.
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 2 x Magic emblem.
    2023-12-23 21:35:33 You received 50000 x Pearls.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023

    QUEENVIXEN Forum Expert

    Hi! To find the new secret quests, you can speak to the Quest Givers in Nautica with stories to tell and quests to provide.. Where is Nautica?
    The*Defiant likes this.
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    I still recommend you to give it a go, even if it is just one quest a day.

    I am always writing down all feedback that is provided by our Community so don't worry I will forward that for sure!


    Well done! :D


    Nautica refers to both Surface and Atlantis.

    "Secret quests" refers to the quests that are visible only if you finished the entire quest-line, own enough quest items or meet some different additional conditions, these quests offer you for example Ship design (phase 1), Pet (phase 2), Glyphs and other "additional" items as rewards.

    If you wish to uncover them all you need to complete all quests within both Surface and Atlantis (to be sure that you saw them all).

    The*Defiant likes this.
  8. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    More payment packs please I cant spend my life savings on these few packs. Love this new trend where you dont have to play the game to progress you can just pay your life savings . Amazing ! Keep it up you'll attract a lot of new players and no one will quit :D
    The*Defiant likes this.
  9. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Hey buddy! You know how I feel about Atlantis. But since completion of the event tasks gives you several nice items, including a ship loaded with high gems and a later quest has a silmilar high-gem pet, you might think about it. I don't know squat about Atlantis (and it is slow-going), but I made it. You need to use homing mines (if you can buy them) to supplement your damage, and I got crew members in the Event Shop. I did the first quest line and part of the second quest line to get two more torpedo slots, and used the elemental torpedos to shoot the NPCs. Plus I burned several auras. Be sure to have the torpedo launchers on deck too. If you want some other tips, help is available.

    If you choose not to, I totally understand your thinking, mate! I had to overcome my disdain for having Atlantis rammed down our throats. Merry Christmas to all pirates!:) P.S. (And all Mods too)!
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
    Bawdyn likes this.
  10. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    So, I did at at least 7 or 8 of the Atlantis quests (the last I did was the 3 coordinates and there was at least one more), I stopped when I realized that there were no surface quests after all, in spite of what the FAQ says:
    Since I did more that there should be and the surface quest givers still have no new quests, I can only assume that the FAq is wrong (shocker!).
    The*Defiant likes this.
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    No... FAQ is not wrong. Complete quests in Atlantis, do some daily's on the water -> new quests appear.

  12. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    If that means all of the dailies from the previous lines, then that won't happen as I've abandoned the ones that require the group maps and the Gift. :(
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
  13. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Group maps I can understand, the gift well, this one should be easily done on regular maps or simply within Atlantis where two gifts can be found, all you need is a bit of luck. Give it a try and dont give up!

    Bawdyn likes this.
  14. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    With the new map ranges for the Gift, it rarely is in the maps I can access. I saw it once only and didn't get to it before another player. I didn't know I could also get the Atlantis one.

    Speaking of Atlantis, I did another two quests and all 3 quest givers now have at least one more on offer (one has 3). How can I tell which quest line a quest is from? I only care about the one that will let me continue with the surface quests.
  15. Well, I guess you have to complete the entire quest line first to get to the new quests. I mean the group maps, the gift, and after (maybe) the new quests appear. I'm in the same shoes. Couldn't complete those ones, and I don't want to ask the mods or anyone else anymore, they are just making me angry and that's not good. Don't even want to talk to those guys anymore. So I went to atlantis, thinking I'll just figure out myself, whatever, maybe if I do some of that, the new quest will appear but that's not the case. I burned 3 durable auras, wasted my time and resources, and those quests just keep coming, more and more and more, and still there's no surface quests. And got nothing useful out of it. Not a design, a pet or something useful... just brain cancer, which is painful. The worst event ever!
    Bawdyn and The*Defiant like this.
  16. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I have experienced the very same confusion on the event quests. It would have helped a lot if they had all been listed with the requirements and rewards, but I know there were a ton of them. That's a lot for Rymar to try to do by himself.

    Note that there are also some event quests in Atlantis that each pay you 15 booty bags with the pink gems (they are named "Tamer's" and "Kennelmaster's" booty bags). They are quite nice! And one quest pays you 5 Catalyzing Stars.

    I just found an event quest I haven't done (I think they say "Level 5" on them) that gives a ship design, so I am doing it now (see below):


    Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
    Røвєяτ-ø*HU* likes this.
  17. @Bawdyn Bad news... I have completed all atlantis quests, did the daily repeatable ones, and there are still no new quests, so at least now I can verify that, we have to complete all quests before the new ones appear. So the group maps (impossible, as fellow pirate @The*Defiant have said it many times before, THEY JUST MESS AROUND AND DON'T SHOOT THE BOSS!), the gift and all that's left. What a great time wasting it was, thank you very much for this great mass confusion event! :rolleyes: Missed the designs, the pets and all the good stuff. Plus those incidents with the cannons 5 days after the event started... You guys purposefully want to kill the game right, don't you? :D I'm suspicious about that for real... o_O
    The*Defiant likes this.
  18. That's what I wanted from the start, I got all the designs, pets and stuff from the marked, I wanted to complete that one. BUT, first in the FAQ it was mentioned it is for event completion reward. (So I said good bye to it.) After it was edited and have listed it as quest reward. So I started doing the quests again. Even went to atlantis and finished all the quests there. and still there's no new quests on the surface! :D But atleast now I (and my fellow pirates) know that we can't continue the quest line, and say good bye to it once again. :rolleyes: Good amount of effort for nothing, with all that mass confusion :D
  19. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Røвєяτ-ø*HU* - I am sure glad you mentioned this again! Yes Bawdyn - just go into the "Dance of Death" Group Map and don't shoot the boss. Just sit still or shoot the small minion ships. I got a skin off of one of them, along with 4 gems that are all Level 30+. Most importantly, just going into the map and not getting sunk counts towards the "15" you need! (And shooting one Bjorgold beforehand will now give you 8 Ancient Emblems per NPC).
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
    Røвєяτ-ø*HU* likes this.
  20. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Your screenshot above shows you have done several more than what I have done. Currently I have 'Edge of Reality' and Correction!'. I can see the one called Breaches, but I need a few more Baby Turtles to accept it. This one has both Atlantis and Surface tasks, so I was hoping it was the one that would change the line to the surface. You show as having done it. Do you recall what happened after you completed it?

    @The*Defiant - I think the quest you have with the ship design is going to be a while as I don't see that one on Robert's list so he hadn't got to it by that time and I have a few to go to catch him. As for the group map, for that quest line I need to complete the map successfully to finish the quest. The count you refer to is for the Event tasks and I see I have 5 there, so I could get the 15 if I wanted, but I have so many other categories I'll never finish (like the 300 Atlantis NCPs and the others I haven't even started). Thanks for the encouragement.
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