Feedback The Great Turtle War

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, May 4, 2023.

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  1. Silent-Bob

    Silent-Bob Forum Apprentice

    how do you pass lockmaw aggressiveness on casiopeia chaos?
  2. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    It is so aggressive that I don't shoot it. I sink the Shell Smasher and return to shooting the island, which starts the cycle over.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Silent-Bob!

    In order to defeat Lockmaw you need one player with high end Dodge Chance and okay-ish Damage Prevention (Lion's Bulwark recommended).

    Player "tank" should get as close as possible to the Lockmaw NPC before he start shooting (sit right on top of it).

    Make sure that your "tank" makes most damage as well, once your "tank" took a bit of Lockmaws hitpoints you can start shooting it too.

    Hope that helps.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. Silent-Bob

    Silent-Bob Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the tips

    2023-05-09 16:35:17
    You sank Lockmaw's ship.
    Last edited: May 9, 2023
    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. _yköne_

    _yköne_ Forum Apprentice

    Just kindly asking is there gonna be some change to souls, now yellow are coming better so if would be good if we can exchange them to greens. or maybe make snapjaw spawn more at least on guildmap.. everything costs some much greenies.. just suggestion, ty :)
  6. Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§

    Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§ Someday Author

    Did the amount of souls get reduced? At the beginning of the event I was getting 4-7 cursed per kill, then it was giving the souls twice (would say receives 4-7 souls, but twice, meaning about 8-14 souls per kill). Same with the radiant souls dropping twice. Now it's only once. Is this a bug or was it dropping twice a bug? Also, I think adding both souls to the admirals and currency to the regular NPCs would be a good change. Right now you have to decide between earning currency or earning souls. would be nice if you could do both at once IMO.
  7. lellu85

    lellu85 Forum Inhabitant

  8. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    It is nice that they put "Volatile Auras of Protection" in the In-game shop during this Event. Players (at any level) running low can buy some to farm without getting sunk non-stop.
    Bawdyn and peteraasdal1 like this.
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§!

    Please be aware that Snapjaw / Bloodjaw and Turtle Raider / Plunderer provide additional rewards only when your server managed to unlock "Cassiopeia´s Power".

    If "Cassiopeia´s Power" is not active on your server event NPCs will not provide additional loot.

    Ahoy lellu85!

    Please make sure that you dont have to many quests active, Tower Upgrade counts as additional quest, therefore if your quest slots are "full" you will be unable to upgrade your towers.

  10. Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§

    Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§ Someday Author

    I forgot that was a thing. Ty, Rymar
  11. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Oh-No-No-No! You have to be kidding me! I shoot a Shell Smasher with like 3 other boats, use my Sentinel and Terra Ammo hitting 700k + and get this Atlantis junk...and ONLY this Atlantis junk? What a way to ruin an Event!

    2023-05-10 20:36:26 You received 93 x Orichalkum.
    2023-05-10 20:36:26 You received 91711 EXP (experience points).
  12. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Commissioner

    No den map available from alexandro
    *BUBU.EXE* likes this.
  13. *BUBU.EXE*

    *BUBU.EXE* Forum Apprentice

    Yes, where's Group map: “Den of the Turtle”
    Alexandro provides only Group map: “Jurassic Pool”.

    And for my little ship on map 5 Alexandro provides an empty window. Minigames starting with Lvl 7?
  14. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    It was stated within our FAQ that Den of the Turtles will be available only for the first half of the event.


  15. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I may be the only player who finds this interesting: While playing by myself in the "Cassiopeia Chaos" guild map, I was once again shooting the "Shell Smasher" Admiral. While using Bloodlusts (where "Critical damage" goes *both* ways), and with only Regular armor on, I was taking 30k Critical damage per shot. With Regular armor, Super armor, and Lion's Bulwarks turned on, I was taking Critical damage of 3k to 5k. However - with only Regular armor and Lion's Bulwarks on, I was taking almost the same damage! Since the Shell Smasher is apparently a "Commonwealth" ship, and some players are not high enough in Battle Points to buy "Super armor", use Regular armor plus Lion's Bulwarks to reduce your damage received from the Shell Smasher a lot! You can buy the Lion's Bulwarks in the In-game shop or get them in treasure chests (see below). I hope this tip helps someone.:)

    2023-05-12 13:08:48 You opened a locked chest.
    2023-05-12 13:08:48 1x Treasure chest key was/were removed. Reason: Chest opened.
    2023-05-12 13:08:48 You received 11 x Lion's Bulwark.
    2023-05-12 13:08:48 You received 2750 x Upgraded Shrapnel ammunition.
    Bawdyn likes this.
  16. Tylersgma1999

    Tylersgma1999 Active Author

    Still cannot repair in Atlantis! Unless I sign out and back in again. Just another headache in this bugged game!
    The*Defiant likes this.
  17. **hollyllodz**

    **hollyllodz** Forum Greenhorn

    I have a question about the ranking Jurassic Pool. Only 3 people get best rewards - its mistake or what, because we need 5 people to join this group map? So how that can be fair?
  18. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Exceptional Talent

    Has anyone seen the event ship lockmaw?
  19. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Yes - it is in the Cassiopeia Chaos map. It appears with the Shell Smasher after about two waves of Bloodjaws and two waves of Turtle Plunderers. It just sits there unless you fire upon it, so that's probably why you haven't seen it. Here is what Rymar said regarding how to fight it:

    Ahoy Silent-Bob!

    In order to defeat Lockmaw you need one player with high end Dodge Chance and okay-ish Damage Prevention (Lion's Bulwark recommended).

    Player "tank" should get as close as possible to the Lockmaw NPC before he start shooting (sit right on top of it).

    Make sure that your "tank" makes most damage as well, once your "tank" took a bit of Lockmaws hitpoints you can start shooting it too.

    Hope that helps.

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