The new skilltree

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Aug 22, 2018.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    The new skilltree
    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any comments or feedback on the New Skilltree here.

    Remember to follow the rules of the forum when leaving your posts.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. -TALENTO.GR.-

    -TALENTO.GR.- Someday Author

  3. Kosova***

    Kosova*** Forum Inhabitant

    What will happen with all of us who spent million of pearls to do all skills?
    Nighthawk[POP] likes this.
  4. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    when they distribute the new skill tree, they should calculate the cost of each skill point on the new tree, work out how many points we have in the old tree, and grant us the number of skill points in the new tree that is equivalent to the cost of what we spent originally. that way, those who spent loads on the old tree can get the respective amount and not feel the money is wasted.

    If they do that then we have faith restored in the skill tree, if not then it just adds to the list of shambling failures :D:D:D
    Nighthawk[POP] likes this.
  5. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    Can we test it in seafight beta?
  6. darksailrevenge

    darksailrevenge Someday Author

    any word on when this new skill tree system will be in effect? release date
  7. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    Looks good to me, as long as we get compensation for the skills we already have. Some of us have spent millions of pearls on skills and bought crate of glory for 10k crystals back in 2012 when it was hard to get crystals w/out farming 24/7.
    Loki162 likes this.
  8. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Prediction-- Bigpoint will re-imburse us with pearls for our skill, then force us to buy new skills which will be more expensive than the original.
    BigPoint will change the requirements needed for adding skill points to new tree, forcing us to make up for lacking abilities in certain areas by buying new expansions.

    Its all a ploy, plz stop changing what is not broke, please focus your energies on aspects of the game that are seriously flawed.
  9. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    Also, am I seeing this correctly?

    +500% Damage on players?


    150% Damage prevention


    That's a hell of a lot higher than old skills. 16% to 500% damage.
  10. abah2

    abah2 Active Author

    More change just for the sake of change...
    The*Defiant and Loki162 like this.
  11. -sattam-

    -sattam- Someday Author

    If the players' reactions should be heard. If the money spent in previous skills should be reinstated, this should be done first. In the beginning, the administration should pay attention to the members' responses and take them into consideration.
    True change is an important requirement

    frankthetank1974 and Loki162 like this.
  12. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    The information I have at the moment is that there will be an Open Beta to test the new Skill tree, however, this is not a guarantee.
    These are just temporary percentages and are not the values which will be in the Skill Tree when it is implemented, these are shown just as a guide so you can see how it will look.

    Rabbid likes this.
  13. Elvis123

    Elvis123 Forum Apprentice

    Is there anyway you could shed some light on if they will be a reload buff in the skill tree? It was said that it would be coming after the removal of cabin boys. Would be great to know if it's coming during this update of the skill tree or if it's coming in a other update after this

    Satanic dreamz

    LORD_VIPER Forum Greenhorn

    Interesting, new goals to conquer. this upgrade is been due.
  15. babenewport

    babenewport Junior Expert

    myself im chilled as long as its obtainable im happy the old skill points should be compensated somewhat to what happened with the castle changes.
  16. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Cabin boys should have never been touched. Adding more stuff into seachart makes it painfull as it gets laggy to modify things. It sucks with castles, trophies and now it will be bad with skills. Some things should stay in the back page for perfomance issues.
    Loki1621 and The*Defiant like this.
  17. Kosova***

    Kosova*** Forum Inhabitant

    I'm with you adding everything will cost much more lag, for example right now if you like to open Event page, Ship favourites, Teleport, etc it makes you to wait ~2 sec until it opens.
  18. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    At this time we do not have any set date on when this update will go live. You should be able to test this in the beta server before it hits the live servers, however this is not guaranteed.

    At the moment, the planning is as follows:
    • We will calculate how many crystals every player invested for the previous skills and double this amount.
    • The doubled amount of crystals will be booked to the player account
    This seems to be the fairest solution at the moment, however, it’s still work in progress and this might be changed when the new skilltree goes live.

    Seren GTL
    America and Rabbid like this.
  19. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    Sounds good to me seen, can't wait to test this out :)
  20. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Oh hell no. I dont want those worthless crystals. I have my 70 skills and I would like to remain fully skilled or at least be able to keep upgrading without loosing what I already have. What am I supposed to do with about the 60k crystals I would get (~about 30k * 2 for max skills)? I can only use them to upgrade ammo but I have 4700 crystals and not enough ammo to use them all. Just let us remain with max skills or at least in the same spot if you add more skills.

    Im sure that no one with 70 skills want the crystals back. Maybe the pearls, but crystals are as useless as gold after you get all skills.

    And what about the lag that it would cause? If you get the flash to eat a lot of RAM refreshing will do little to help, and adding more content to the seachart will only make it worse. You can't even have large fights without lagging and you want to put even more things in seachart.

    Off topic tip: I would like to add that a good way to help "reset" the ram used by the flash is to kill the chrome process that uses the most RAM with the task manager. This should make your flash player crash so it has to be reloaded and your game should run smoother after you do this. Tested in chrome, windows.
    The*Defiant likes this.
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