Feedback The Power of Love!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Feb 11, 2024.

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  1. gure55

    gure55 Someday Author

    Agree There are 12 Quest in this event and 2 of them are down in Atlantis, a game a lot of us do NOT play and therefore we do not get finish all 12 quest ... only 10 and the maintask 12/12 quest is lost :( 1 quest a day is bad !!

    Bruker ID: 1351/10464
    Lvl 50
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2024
  2. Sir~Captain~R

    Sir~Captain~R Forum Apprentice

    Unfortunately I am not a high enough level to complete the Atlantis specific event quests, and that means I can't get the event design. In the future please do not level-gate event quests such that lower level players that can't reach Atlantis, won't be able to fully enjoy all the rewards of the event. (I completed the non-Atlantis quests with no difficulty)
    gure55 likes this.
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