The Spectare Design

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    The Spectare Design

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Black as death and just as unstoppable: when the Spectare looms over the horizon, it is heralded by the faint cries of the souls it has claimed. Any pirate would be impressed by its 25,000 extra hit points, but its 10% boost to Treasure Chest yields is what makes this Jolly Roger-emblazoned ship a true pirate’s dream.

    From today you will have the chance to get hold of the Spectare - one of the most popular and rare designs in Seafight! It will be available from 12 noon tomorrow (local server time) in the Black Market for pearls, or in the payment section from 12 noon today (CET) so you can choose which way you would like to get hold of it!

    Note: The design in the payment section and in the Black Market are exactly the same as each other and the same as the design that was previously available from the Treasure Chests – therefore if you already own it please do NOT purchase it again!

    Note: It will come in the Black Market tomorrow for 300,000 pearls. It will remain in the payment section until 3rd February 12 noon CET.

    Please leave any comments you may have in our Discussion Thread.

    Your Seafight team
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