The Use of Exploits.

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by The*Defiant, Feb 28, 2024.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Feedback: I encountered a couple of strange things within the last 24 hours playing Atlantis. One player I was spying had a dodge chance that jumped (only for a moment) from 80% to 1,080%. Then it was gone. Was this a glitch? Maybe. Another player was sinking me non-stop (which is not a problem, if they are honest) when he went to shoot an Admiral sub. Then he stopped evading me and just shot the Admiral and ignored me while I shot him. He was down to about 30k voodoo/ 120k regular base and I had him on the ropes, but for some reason, the damage I was giving him just stopped. I did not sink him. And he did get the Admiral sunk. A few days ago, I told a friend that either this suspicious guy was one of the best to ever play, or he was cheating. Sad to say, but I now think he must be cheating somehow. And he seems to be quite good, too.
    I have given many players the benefit of the doubt - and probably too often - in this game. But I have two points to mention:
    (1) I think the only players remaining on here are (a) the honest players and (b) the cheaters, who still play because they know that the game favors cheating, and it is quite difficult to be caught. Especially if they activate their cheat mechanism only for a few seconds at a time. I have seen players do some very strange things, and right after that, they went to Deep Haven/Safe Haven. Logic would suggest that they know if they do it for an extended length of time, the odds of being caught increase dramatically.
    (2) It is very difficult to distinguish between a good player who cheats, and a player who is good *only because* he cheats. And therein lies the problem. Cheating throws the entire game in doubt. And nobody wants to spend a lot of time and money to futilely fight cheaters.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy The*Defiant!

    If you notice something suspicious ALWAYS contact Support.

    They have the ability to review each and every complaint, making posts within the forum won't change anything.

    As you have been redirected to Support I shall close this thread.


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