The Winter Thaw Event 2016

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Seren, Jan 13, 2016.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    The Winter Thaw Event 2016
    Ahoy Pirates,

    When the snow begins to melt, the seas rise! Go head-to-head against the hard-boiled crews of the Hugin, Jörmungander, and Sleipnir as they push past the winter thaw from January 14th through January 26th, 2016. Are you cool enough to send them packing? Then, arm yourselves with Snowball Ammo and craft Ice Ammunition or extra-strong Burning Ice Ammo. That should put those vindictive Vikings on ice for a while.

    The Winter Thaw.jpg

    Not only can you craft the powerful Ice Ammo from the Snow Cannonballs, but you can also craft the Burning Ice Ammo from Ice Ammo!

    Follow this link to the discussion group and this link to the FAQ

    But keep in mind, after the event is over, your Ice Ammunition will melt on 29h January, 2016!

    Your Seafight Team
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