The Winter Thaw Event 2017

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Jan 17, 2017.

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  1. PirateInsaneBeard

    PirateInsaneBeard Forum Greenhorn

    this event is garbage ,yall who are in charge act like yall don't get enough money from us.Yall just be robing us.we put so much money into this game.Why cant we have good events anymore?!This game isn't a 3D GameIt shouldn't be so extra with the money...
  2. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    there are no snowballs in black market...
  3. Yeah so this event is terrible. 3 Npc that suck, and are not worth it, for 12 days?!?!?! This event is not even worth doing. You take burning ice (really expensive) and make it so you have to use it....LOL ok...

    I was looking forward to a nice event after taking a 2 year break and let me tell you, i now remember why i stopped.
  4. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Event is useless. Even the urd is hard to find so not even sinking it is helpfull.
  5. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    My bad. Apologies all around. Tried to write with the rugrats in the house.
  6. LogoRhea

    LogoRhea Someday Author

    I have a quest where it says that I need 300 reputation. Question to Seren: where can I see the current number of my reputation ? I understand that the reputation increases by shooting Skuld, but I want to see how much reputation I have from my seachart, and right now I don't know how much I have.
  7. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    I am also experiencing this problem,
  8. SAMAT91

    SAMAT91 Someday Author

    WINTERTHAW event code for all of u, mods are too lazy to post it in our forums at this moment. gives 100k snow ammo.
    enjoy cheers
    LogoRhea, PLAY-0N and _RATTY_. like this.
  9. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    In order to do more damage you should put hailstorm books on .. Buy muzzle buff and ask friends for brother in arms.. Shoot urds for snow amo change it for ice amo then shoot verdis or how are they named... And repeat.. If u want pearls .. If not and u want crystals .. Save ice amo and upgrade for burning then shoot skulds... Not best event but u can make some amo from them npc if u have time to do the event! Maybe BP should increeze the urd number that will help alot!
    Enjoy the game!
  10. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    The woucher been send to all players by mail atleast to the ones who are getting the newsletter from BP!
  11. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    i also am having that problem
  12. 丂乇乃ム

    丂乇乃ム Forum Greenhorn

    I'm having the same problem and it is really annoying and incosiderate. I would also like to point out that, given the cost of the resources, at least the event should be more user friendly. Really don't find prices adequate. And I keep finding stupid windstorms in Ice Loes, which I really love melting by the way, so please.

    Anyway, congratulations for the event, it looks very nice.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  13. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    you say in tech section that you added event chests
    are the key for event chests available only through payment section ??
    i see no event keys in blackmarket !
  14. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

  15. 丂乇乃ム

    丂乇乃ム Forum Greenhorn

    It's there. For 1000 pearls!
  16. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

  17. 丂乇乃ム

    丂乇乃ム Forum Greenhorn

    2017-01-20 18:26:33
    You received 34 x Agwe's Armor Plates.
    2017-01-20 18:26:33
    You opened a locked chest.

    2017-01-20 18:15:13
    You received 29 x Agwe's Armor Plates.
    2017-01-20 18:15:13
    You opened a locked chest.

    2017-01-20 18:06:53
    You opened a locked chest.
    2017-01-20 18:06:53
    You received 63 x Black gunpowder.

    [..] and then it just goes on [..]

    Seriously pained by the unexciting content of a beautiful yet dull Event Chest. PS Iron harpoons? Seriously?

    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    ok normally i enjoy event chests during events but are you kidding games a LAGGING bigger then when you run multiple events overall this event is garbage not enough of a spawn rate for the pearl ships to justify a profit im sorry better off running scrolls thank you for the attempt of a event but wow what a bust
  19. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    event is ok, but come on, to unlock a mision that gives 2.5k ice u need to sink 200 npcs to get reputation lol
  20. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Same here.
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