This is ridiculous

Discussion in 'Help' started by English-sea-D0ragon, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. English-sea-D0ragon

    English-sea-D0ragon Forum Apprentice

    I've done my cancer wave 39 twice now, leaving the last ship low so i can rep, and twice the game has logged me out and not given me the free wave, it said it would restart in half and hour and restarted in about a minute. That is stupid, waste of ammo, waste of time.
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Please bear with us while these issues are being solved. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
  3. English-sea-D0ragon

    English-sea-D0ragon Forum Apprentice

    Will it be possible to redeem my wave?
  4. English-sea-D0ragon

    English-sea-D0ragon Forum Apprentice

    And i didnt get my wave, thanks.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Unfortunately, when resets occur, it resets all NPCs and logs the player out, thus restarting your scroll wave. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
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