? time to create new payment

Discussion in 'Help' started by Graverattack, Aug 7, 2014.

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  1. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    Hi, This is the man who single handed puts all bigpoint employee's children thru school. :) Graver! Just a question, What is the purpose of changing the payment screen to a 100% less user friendly interface, from the old one that was clean, quick and extremly easy to use. How do they find time to build that new 'payment' screen, yet not look into the bokor which is we all know, mostly where the big full boat, spend alot of $. Also will there be a compensation for our king's legacys this month. if items were 'issued' on the 1st but not booked, if the time for king's starts on 1st we would be loseing quite a few days.
    I never complain about anything almost , these are just some honest questions, that myself, maybe even many want to know.

    Thanks, graver
    GPMONSTER likes this.
  2. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    yes i have the same ? and thank you for asking Graver
  3. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    graver your opening sentence, you're a legend haha midnight buddy and kings will start when they've been booked
  4. KeeLHuLL™

    KeeLHuLL™ Forum Pro

    28 days frpm date booked
  5. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Thank you for the feedback.

    Please be advised, there's a discussion on this for the Bokor's- where you can give your feedback.

    This can be found by clicking >>here<<

    As no response from the OP, I shall close.

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