Support Today's OA concerning debuff without change to before?

Discussion in 'Help' started by *DeLetEd*, Nov 7, 2023.

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  1. *DeLetEd*

    *DeLetEd* Forum Pro


    in the first moment i was happy to read, that the Seafight's team "will introduce another penalty that will directly impact those with the Gotcha Debuff or any Scar debuff. Players under these debuffs will be unable to accept any quests within the game while the debuff remains active."

    But after comparing the facts with the last version from 08-21-2023, there was no difference:
    • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    So, was the today's announcement a mistake?
    Not the right text?
    Please check / talk to SF team / give us feedback - ty.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy *DeLetEd*!

    Please keep an eye on the announcement, once further de-buff shall be implemented we will edit the post.

    As for the information that we have now it is the same like last time.

    *DeLetEd* likes this.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there is no further questions I shall close this thread.

    As stated in previous post, keep an eye on our Announcement, as soon as changes will be implemented we shall let you know.


    *DeLetEd* likes this.
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