Turtle Terror

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, May 18, 2017.

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  1. little-slingshot

    little-slingshot Forum Greenhorn

    Wow awesome. thanks.
  2. Itsjeremylin

    Itsjeremylin Forum Greenhorn

  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    You're most welcome.

  4. •†ΜΦ∏$ΤΣR†•

    •†ΜΦ∏$ΤΣR†• Forum Apprentice

  5. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    Also my initial thought.. However, after having explored it a bit, I'll have to take back my original opinion.. I'm starting to like it.
  6. z~fighters

    z~fighters Forum Apprentice

    I think it would be a good idea change the profit of the turtle hunter. Players only shoot them for quests, or if they need more normal rockets/buffs. When quests are done, counters for admiral will go so slow, that event will be too boring.

    I believe everyone are trying to save as much ammo as possible, because they also have to think about keeping top 100-200 in the daily rank, so we cant just shoot hunters for the souls alone.

    I would suggest a pearl reward equivalent to the ammo used. That would make them much more attractive, and admiral counters will go much faster, which means more activity.

  7. -NooNoo-

    -NooNoo- Forum Greenhorn

    Anyone know when the new event designs will be put into the black market? I currently have enough souls for the Piledriver design but just wondering if it will be worth waiting to see how much the other designs are.
  8. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    We have heard that the Black Market shall change twice during this event. So I would guess some new items/skins/pets will be placed in the BM on Monday and then Friday, but these are just guesses.

    If I was you, I would save your souls as nothing in there currently is really anything of value.

  9. -NooNoo-

    -NooNoo- Forum Greenhorn

    Okay thanks, you have any idea of the costs?
  10. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    No idea sorry, I also want to know - I want to buy the Killing Strike design :p

  11. •†ΜΦ∏$ΤΣR†•

    •†ΜΦ∏$ΤΣR†• Forum Apprentice

    will have voodoo cannon on black market ?!!
  12. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    blackmarnad not so many thinks wery poor (
  13. Lobo*

    Lobo* Forum Apprentice

    I'm just a small player and I can't seem to find any snap jaws in maps 5 or below. anyone else with this problem?
  14. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Thats because Snapjaws only spawn in the 6/1 to 20/1 maps :)

    If you would like to get Cursed Souls you need to shoot the Dragon turtle nests when your server has the Cassiopeia's Blessing active.

  15. Lobo*

    Lobo* Forum Apprentice

    thanks ARKY guess I either test or I can't do the quest lol but they still have turtle raiders in 5 and under. go figure
  16. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

  17. Daboyzz!

    Daboyzz! Junior Expert

    Maybe we could tier some of these events to help the smaller boats get something, I shot Cassiopeia for like 7 hours got 25 million damage on it and the big boats come on 1 hour before the 24 hours is up and I can't even get top 200 to get a firestorm cannon, wow!!! Maybe more events and rewards could be grouped by ship level like top 50 in 20 maps in above, then top 50 in 15-20 maps, then top 50 in 10-15 maps, etc.

    Just an idea.
  18. Mihawk

    Mihawk Forum Apprentice

    You guys should upload pictures of the coming designs in the game during the event..
  19. z~fighters

    z~fighters Forum Apprentice

    If you go back to page 1 in this thread, you can see them.
  20. Mihawk

    Mihawk Forum Apprentice

    Which one is Heart of Carnage in Black Market? How much is it worth there?
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