Turtle Terror

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, May 18, 2017.

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  1. cʟαш

    cʟαш Active Author

    Heart of Carnage is not a BM buy-able design, its a reward from the total event ranking for 1st ranking player per server
  2. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    Yes, you can only win the Heart of Carnage by being number 1 in the event (either daily or total, I'm not sure)
  3. piranhahunter

    piranhahunter Forum Expert

    arky,do you maybe know abt the end rewards for event quests?
    thanx in advance
  4. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

  5. piranhahunter

    piranhahunter Forum Expert

    A-R-K-Y likes this.
  6. Wa-Ya

    Wa-Ya Forum Apprentice

    Also, whats up with the cargos that pick up but do not seem to count? Thanks.
  7. Kosova***

    Kosova*** Forum Inhabitant

    Why I can't get radiant souls in event key ..tomorrow i get 2-3 radiant for key and now I cant ??
  8. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Radiant Souls are only a reward from Event Chests when the Cassiopeia's Blessing is active.

  9. Wa-Ya

    Wa-Ya Forum Apprentice

  10. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    They only count, when your Vovoi cargo quest is active.
  11. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    some know comming more booster to blackmarket ?
  12. z~fighters

    z~fighters Forum Apprentice

    There is only half spawn of snapjaws on the sea, like when you have cassopeia might. We dont have the Might on our server, so there should be spawning more snapjaws. Can that be fixed?
  13. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    There will be no more changes to the Black Market this event.

    I think to be honest it is too late in the event for them to fix such an issue. Will probably be fixed for the next time this event is ran.

  14. z~fighters

    z~fighters Forum Apprentice

    1900 damned souls for buffs + 3000 for cannons + designs and pets. And action items. Thats impossible m8
  15. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    This event is definitely more tailored towards the stronger players. Personally, I really like this event, but I have been grinding it very hard and I am #1 in the rankings for Mega Server 6 (UK, DE3, DE4). Without spending any money I have made about 8m pearls profit. I have also bought all the buffs for 20 days (apart from overload as its useless), 100k rockets (25k Radiant), 200k Windstorms (20k Cursed) and the Doomhammer exchange. If you shoot NPCs in map 21+, they give double the reward. Admittedly our server is quite small, therefore when getting most damage on the Shell Smashers/Turtle Crushers, I usually get anywhere from 30-150k pearls, and about 100-300k for Devourers, depending on how many people are there. Last night the Hookjaw Devourer spawned in 30/1 at 2am and I took 620k pearls, but that is an extreme case.

    By shooting all the NPCs I see, teleporting to every Devourer, Shell Smasher and Turtle Raider, and collecting chests as I go, I have made a considerable profit, but on the contrary I do have a maxed out account and therefore make more than the average player. It is important to balance the event too. If you just go for the souls then you will run out of ammo, but by picking up chests and replenishing that shellshock by shooting the pearl NPCs you can benefit greatly. This post is not intended to be a brag, just a realistic representation on how the event can be profitable.


  16. Tag#Me

    Tag#Me Forum Apprentice

  17. z~fighters

    z~fighters Forum Apprentice

    Before, snapjaws spawned as intended. Lots of them in high maps, when there was no might. But now, you almost cant find any. I see many snapjaws in low maps, but like you are writing, they give double reward in high maps. I planned to shoot them in end of event, but getting so much souls seems impossible now.
  18. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    When the event started, ARKY, who is in my guild on the UK server, made sure to remind us all to make all the cursed we could on the first day before the Cassiopeia's Might kicked in. It does seem though that when the might worse off, the Snapjaws stayed rare which is a shame.
  19. z~fighters

    z~fighters Forum Apprentice

    How does that information help now lol
  20. 4x4x4

    4x4x4 Regular

    dont know what that is but dont like to see any ".exe" file posted, dont trust it. :-(
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