Typhon's Revenge

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Rymar, Aug 31, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Typhon's Revenge

    The event starts at
    Friday, 1st September at 12:00 noon and ends Friday, 8th September at 12:00 noon.

    All times are local server times.

    Typhon’s revenge features the following:

    • 5 event ships
    • Event chests
    • Shipwrecks
    • Event quests
    • 1 mini game: Boss map (1 Normal and 1 Hexxed version)
    • 1 group map: Hydra map
    • 3 Rankings
    General Info

    Captain Jinx, Captain Dawn, Captain Slade, Ladon and Typhon are sailing on maps 5 - 50 during the event.

    Ladon spawns after a certain amount of Captain Jinx and Captain Dawn have been sunk.

    Typhon spawns after a certain number of Captain Slade and Ladon have been sunk.

    All event ships must be shot with elite ammunition.


    Heartbreaker Torpedoes, Heartbreaker Ammunitions and Aqua Ammunition do more damage against all event ships.

    • Captain Jinx
      • Depending on how much damage you cause, you are rewarded with EXP and with a small chance with Pearls.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage receives Cursed Souls.
    • Captain Dawn
      • Depending on how much damage you cause, you are rewarded with EXP and Pearls, Crowns, Safanad or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage is rewarded with Cursed Souls.
    • Captain Slade
      • Depending on how much damage you cause, you are rewarded with EXP and Radiant Souls, Pearls, Crowns, Safanad, Orichalkum or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage is rewarded with Radiant Souls.
    • Ladon
      • Depending on how much damage you cause (at least 1%), you are rewarded with EXP and Pearls, Crowns, Yulong Coins, Safanad, Orichalkum, Radiant or Cursed Souls.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage is rewarded with Yulong coins or Heartbreaker ammunition.
      • The player who does the last shot (and has at least caused 1% damage) has a chance to receive Heartbreaker ammunition or heartbreaker Torpedo.
    • Typhon
      • Depending on how much damage you cause (at least 1%), you are rewarded with EXP and Pearls, Crowns or Yulong Coins, Safanad, Orichalkum, Radiant or Cursed Souls.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage is rewarded with Aqua ammunition, Yulong coins or Bastion canon lvl 0.
      • The player who does the last shot (and has at least caused 1% damage) has a chance to receive Aqua ammunition, Gold, Teleports or the Typhon’s Revenge ship design (Fallback is Bastion level 4).
    • Torzan (group map)
      • All players on the group map receive EXP, Radiant or Cursed Souls and Pearls, Safanad, Orichalkum, Crowns or Yulong Coins.
    Event Treasure Chests

    The Event Treasure Chests contain various valuable treasures such as Bastion level 0, Heartbreaker Ammunition, The Lionheart, Poseidon’s crown, Pumpkin Power, Bloodlust, Taureau, Radiant and Cursed souls.


    The shipwrecks must be shot with Harpoons.

    Items such as Bastion level 0, Heartbreaker Ammunition, Seer Vision, Hailstorm, and Crystals can be obtained if you make the last shot!


    You can accept quests by speaking to Norton Maxwell and later to Alexandros (Safe Haven).

    There are 20 quests and 4 daily quests.

    The daily quests are reset each day at 12 noon (local server time).

    Boss Map

    Ancient emblems are needed for the normal version of the Boss map and Magical emblems for the Hexxed version.

    The Boss map contains the following NPCs:

    • A Healer NPC which is trapped and needs to be freed by the player, to receive healing.
    • The 3 tendrils that generates the trap, needs to be killed if the player wants to free the healer.
    • Ceto - has a short range and aggressive behavior.
    • Ladon - is stronger than Ceto, but doesn´t move.
    • Alexandros, he gives useful tips for the player how to play the map.
    The mini game finishes as soon as both bosses are dead.

    The Boss map can be finished acceptable, outstanding, and perfect:

    • Acceptable: Finish the map with help of the Healer.
    • Outstanding: Without Healer and Ceto gets killed first.
    • Perfect: Without healer and Ladon gets killed first.
    Group Map

    The group map has to be joined in groups of 5 players.

    Before the group map starts you have to choose your role (Healer, Tank or Damage dealer).

    1st phase:
    • In the middle of the map, you find the “Hydra” – with an immovable body, 3 “Hydra Heads” spawn in a radius around the Torso, which spawn 2 “Mini Hydras” on death (up to a max of 25).
    • When a certain amount of “Mini Hydras” have been sunk, “Torzan” spawns
    • Each Mini Hydra drops a glitter that gives a buff when it is collected (the buff depends on the class).
    • This buff is stackable up to 6 times, if the threshold of 6 is reached, the buff changes into a radiant soul.
    • The Hydra map has a special delivery zone where souls and buffs can be exchanged into a special Hydra Killer Buff, after the first player received the Hydra Killer Buff, the 2nd phase starts.
    2nd phase:
    • When you enter the second phase, a timer of 2 minutes starts. After this period, the 2nd phase ends.
    • In the second phase, the “Hydra Heads” are stunned and do not attack the players. If you sink one of the “Hydra Heads”, it disappears and neither other heads nor glitters spawn. Every “Hydra Head” that is sunk does damage to the “Hydra”. To damage the “Hydra” directly is only possible when a player has the Hydra killer buff.
    • The map is won if the “Hydra” is sunk.
    • If “Hydra” is still alive but all “Hydra Heads” are sunk after the timer runs out, a new “Hydra” spawns and the fight is switched back to the 1st phase
    • If “Hydra” is still alive and also some “Hydra Heads”, the fight is switched back to phase 1.
    If you kill 125 Hydra Heads, then a special NPC shall spawn with some additional loot, however, this is not required to finish the map.

    Event Ranking

    1.6x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Gemini Bonus Map
    2x Divine Booty Bag
    2x Astral Familiar Booty Bag
    1x Typhon’s Fury (Ship)

    Fallback: Typhon’s Wrath (Sub)
    Fallback: 3x Worldbreaker Cannon Level 4
    2. - 5.5x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Gemini Bonus Map
    1x Divine Booty Bag
    1x Astral Familiar Booty Bag
    1x Typhon’s Fury (Ship)

    Fallback: Typhon’s Wrath (Sub)
    Fallback: 3x Worldbreaker Cannon Level 4
    6. - 10.4x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Gemini Bonus Map
    1x Booty Bag King
    1x Tamer`s Booty Bag
    1x Typhon’s Fury (Ship)

    Fallback: Typhon’s Wrath (Sub)
    Fallback: 3x Worldbreaker Cannon Level 4
    11. - 50.3x Overlord Cannon Level 3
    1x Aquarius Map
    1x Typhon’s Fury (Ship)

    Fallback: Typhon’s Wrath (Sub)
    Fallback: 3x Worldbreaker Cannon Level 4
    51. - 100.2x Overlord Cannon Level 3
    1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    1 to 3 Random5x Overlord Cannon Level 3
    2 Random4x Overlord Cannon Level 3
    4 to 6 Random4x Bastion Cannon Level 5
    7 to 10 Random4x Bastion Cannon Level 4
    Boss Map Event Ranking

    1. - 5.4x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    6. - 10.3x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    11. - 15.2x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    16. - 50.1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    1 to 5 Random1x BastionCannon Level 5
    Group Map Event Ranking

    1. - 5.4x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    6. - 10.3x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    11. - 15.2x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    16. - 50.1x Aquarius Bonus Map
    1 to 5 Random1x BastionCannon Level 5

    Ship / Sub Designs

    How to obtain?!?
    Typhon’s Fury
    Special Gem: -
    1st Offensive Gem: Enchanted Rhodolite (30% Boarding Bonus)
    2nd Offensive Gem: Enchanted Rose Quartz (15% Hit probability)
    1st Defensive Gem: Glorious Lapislazuli (155.000 Hitpoints)
    2nd Defensive Gem: Glorious Azurite (62% Repair Value, 15.5% Repair Speed)
    Ranking Reward.
    Typhon’s Wrath
    Special Gem: -
    1st Offensive Gem: Refined Bartine (10% Hit probability)
    2nd Offensive Gem: Refined Zanine (20% Critical Damage)
    1st Defensive Gem: Precious Vospite (105.000 Voodoo Points)
    2nd Defensive Gem: Precious Hobite (10.5% Dodge Chance)
    Ranking Reward.

    Post Event Compensation

    The cursed and radiant souls and the event quest items are exchanged for ammunition, the event keys for normal keys.