Bug Unable to move panels throughout the page

Discussion in 'Help' started by old_chocoflakez, Sep 20, 2023.

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  1. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice

    Good evening,

    I would like to state that i am unable to move some panels within the game window, best it allows me to do is resize them.
    For example I have had the Loot panel on my bottom right side and now it is stuck in the middle of the game window (so I cannot play with it open).

    This is really annoying, as it happens with more than this window, for example, the chat window is the same, it happenned to me in others as well.

    Is it just me, or do some of you also have this problem?
    And any idea on how to deal with it?

    Best regards,
    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy old_chocoflakez!

    Please make sure that your panels or chat are not locked in place.

    If that's not the case please provide me with a short video of the issue you are experiencing (it would be great if you provided your user and server ID so this can be looked into).

  3. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for your fast response.
    Yes I have assured that the panels are not locked.

    Here is the small video of demonstration I uploaded: https://streamable.com/a2kpm8

    Best regards,
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Favourites Window - this is the maximum size, so you wont make it any bigger (you can only make it longer)
    Currency Window - I just tried not a problem here at all
    Chat - make your chat bigger and hold your mouse on the brown panel hold your mouse and drag it around.
    Loot window - same as chat

  5. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice

    I didn't mean to say there was any problem with either Favourites Window, or Currency Window, I just moved them and resized them to show that there was no problem with those.

    As for the other two, I will try as you said.
    Thank you.

    Best regards,
  6. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice

    Hey Rymar,
    I got back here just to say it is solved.
    It worked out after trying with differente sizes.

    You may close the thread.
    Thank you, once again.

    Best regards,
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy old_chocoflakez!

    I am glad to hear that your issue has been resolved.

    If you will encounter something similar in the future do not hesitate contacting us again.

    Happy Sailing!


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