Unacceptable exchange-rate

Discussion in 'Help' started by 〤ĴΔРØŇЄŞŠŁØҜØ〤, Mar 4, 2018.

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  1. Ahoy Pirates,

    Unfortunately the wrong figures were posted in the FAQs

    Radiant soul should be (and has been) changed 1:100.

    Your Seafight Team

    You can't just announce the exchange rate will be 1:500 and 3 days later say you made a mistake, that's not how this game works. How do you explain such things to your customers? If Walmart or Samsung does that they'll be in huge problems and BP seems to get away with this. Would like to see a clear explaination. Maybe you moderators should think twice before posting announcements? I've farmed over 16.000 radiant souls and was expecting to get 8.000.000 heartbreaker ammo for that.​
  2. JohnRackham

    JohnRackham Guest

    The mods haven´t done anything wrong, I sent the wrong info to them.
    When you´ve farmed the souls you couldn´t know the exchange rate ;)
  3. Uhm that's a bad argument my friend. You announced the exchange rate 2 days before the end of the event, I farmed 50-60% of my souls in those two days. Besides that, you announced the correct exchange-rate AFTER closing the black market so I can't spend the souls. In the end you're the one making an mistake, not me for not knowing the exact exchange rate at the beginning of the event.
  4. How is it possible to send them the wrong info? Bigpoint decides what the exchange rate will be and they're sending those values to (probably) teamleaders of every server which then send the values to moderators who will post it on every forum(EN/DE/FR). So where did it go wrong? Sounds for me like Bigpoint has decided to change the exchange-rate at the very last moment, hah?
  5. JohnRackham

    JohnRackham Guest

    The rate was announced on Friday, some minutes after the event ended (at least on the European servers)
  6. Acting quite arrogant for someone who clearly made a huge mistake in my opinion, could atleast apoligize for the mistakes YOU made. It's clear no moderator was involved in this since you're the one who gave wrong information. How was this possible? You recieved rates from the developers or someone directly connected to you. There must be a reason why the rates changed right before the exchange would take place, or actually, half a day before the exchange rate would happen. It's clear theres not a single brain-cell thinking about a compensation but atleast clarify how we we're informed with the wrong rates. That's all I'm asking you.
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    You have been informed it was an error.

    We have apologised for this, and have issued the correct information. We are sorry you are unhappy at the situation and can not rectify this now.

    May I also point out that if there are many more insults regarding the team, then we are very likely to lose the information of what the exchange rate will be in future. This way the pirates would spend in the black market as intended and not bank them up if the exchange rate is more pleasing.

    As this has been answered, and this is not a discussion thread this post will now be closed. If you wish to comment further please use the correct section of the forum.

    Seren GTL

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