Unmarked game changes

Discussion in 'Help' started by Pagan_Spirit, Oct 21, 2018.

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  1. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    Unmarked such as the Drakir Hrell reward change.

    --> how can we figure out such changes if they arent marked anywhere?
    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    We do not expect players to figure out all the changes that are made, that is why we have a patch-day notes thread. However, there are times when some small changes do not get listed or are simply forgotten. In these situations we try to get accurate information to players as soon as possible.

    The changes for the Drakir Hrell rewards were mentioned in both your original thread and the thread I linked to.

    Instead of 2000 Pearls being rewarded by your Damage Share, you now get 1000 Pearls split by Damage Share and 1000 Pearls for the last shot.

    As you were informed, we update the Seafight Bible as soon as we can with any new information, therefore, the following NPC overview for the Drakir Hrell as found in the
    NPC's bible entry is correct:

    Since your post yesterday, we also added this additional change to the
    Patchday Notes 2018:
    Has this answered your query?

  3. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    yes. thanks.

    If you could, please pass on to the devs, that those "small changes that do not get listed or are simply forgotten" can be rather vital to the rest of the world, and should thus perhaps not be omitted by curt carelessness.
    That, would be kind ;)

  4. ~BlueFox~

    ~BlueFox~ User

    As Requested

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