Support Unspyables

Discussion in 'Help' started by USS_Defender(CAG-01), Jun 20, 2019.

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  1. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    Thought you guys posted some kind of edict about being unspyable. Seems it has moderated some, but there are still some with amazing capabilities that are unspyable. Here give this one a try. [edit] And please forego the reprimand about posting players names, seems contradictory when you ask for it along with user ID.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 20, 2019
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    As you have been informed on multiple occasions, we are aware of the current issues of not being able to spy some usernames. This is caused by the username containing characters which are no longer allowed in usernames. This is not the fault of any player, this is due to a change Bigpoint made on the 27th of April as mentioned in the
    Patchday Notes 2018:

    As the name change rules are being updated and new criterias being brought in at this time the names will be acceptable. However it is very likely that in the future this will be automatically resolved.

    It is not the fault of the user, that is to say, that they are not taking advantage of a glitch to gain an advantage. This is because they had this name before the Seafight Team made this change, it is not their fault that they cannot be spied but rather ours. It is no longer possible for a user to change their username to a name which cannot be spied.

    We have only got to the first step of resolving all issues with name changes and until that has been completed we will have to have patience with the system as it is, further steps will follow. For now, you can spy the user using their User ID.

    The username you posted in the forum has been edited, there is a difference between issuing your own Server and User ID and placing another players name in the context you have stated.

  3. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    Needless to say that it is actually very simple to spy these types of names. Here's the tutorial. For a name containing characters that won't show up on spy, you will have to spy the ID and not the name.

    To do this, get the name and go to Mateys, in the search bar, click the box to search outside of your Mateys list. Input the username. Now, like the spy box, 2 things can happen when you input the username. Either the whole name shows up or only part of the name shows up.

    When part of the name shows up, 9/10 there will be part of the name that doesn't fit and part that does. E.g. for uss-defender, you might get uss-defnder.

    What you do here is take the bit of the name off that has the missing characters so, back to the example, I would take off the under which would leave uss-def. With the partial name that's left that fits into the players full name. Run the search and the name will pop up into the Mateys results. So, in Lehman's the full example would be this:

    I find a player on the sea, I want to spy them. Their name is uss-defender. However, this player has "funky" characters and when I put their name into spy it only shows uss-defnder. So I have to get his ID. I simply go to Mateys, click to search outside of my Mateys list, input the players name and take off the nder on the end to leave uss-def. I run the search and the results come up with the player of uss-defender and the ID. I copy the ID and place it into spy search and start spying the "unspyable" player
    TEX~BULL and Swift like this.
  4. Loki162

    Loki162 Padavan

    on the 27th of April they should have been given 30 days to change their name or have their acct. shut off
    The*Defiant likes this.

    TEX~BULL User

    I am sorry but that is not correct. It has been explained in a previous post on this thread. Quote:
    "As the name change rules are being updated and new criterias being brought in at this time the names will be acceptable. However it is very likely that in the future this will be automatically resolved. "
    There is nothing to ban for therefore it is out of our hands as no rule has been broken.
    As this is not a discussion thread and the OP's question has been answered I will close.

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