Suggestion Update ~ Parlay & PvP Icon

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Ɗяєɗɗєɗ, May 25, 2017.

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Would you like to see something like this added to the game?

  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    8 vote(s)
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  1. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    Firstly hello everyone.

    Introducing Parlay.

    Parlay is an 8 hour non aggressive pact pirates can apply to their islands.

    During this time no one will be able to shoot your island. So if you're going to bed and need island protection whilst sleeping you will activate Parlay but keep in mind there will be a 16 hour cool down after using it. The cost will be 20,000 pearls.

    Whilst Parlay is activated you will not be able to send any fleets to attack other islands.

    Parlay can also be cancelled at anytime. If you cancel parlay you will have to wait 24 hours before reactivating Parlay.​

    Introducing the PvP Icon. (Premium members only*)

    If you have Premium you will now have a skull and crossbones below your HP on the sea chart. When looking at someone else's skull and crossbones icon on the sea chart if it's green you have sunk them for their battle points today and if it's red you have not sunk them today.

    This will aid you by keeping track of who you have sunk for battle points and who you have not sunk saving you time and ammo.​

    Two nice new editions to the game, if you would like to support both these ideas give us a like and vote to make it happen.

    - Blitzen
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
  2. 20k is way to cheap compared to the overall value provided to the islands.

    Skull icon sounds like an attempt to bring back an existing icon system that existed for decks. Since most players can only be sunk twice, it's quite easy to remember who gives bp vs those who dont. Without needing to add a system that could negatively influence large stack fights or event ships.

    For future reference, safe haven has plenty of room for potential updates or ideas. So keep trying is my suggestion
  3. CharlesVaneee

    CharlesVaneee Active Author

    20k pearls? lool
  4. karmitage

    karmitage Forum Apprentice

    I like the second idea. This way the same player wont be as likely to sink me over and over again.
  5. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Mixed feeling about this Blitzen, not gonna lie fella, even though you're a guild member ;) The Icon idea I quite like, or at least some way to make it easy to see who you have or have not got your BP off, and who is therefore ripe for shooting! Something I hope that would go with this, which I will also write a separate thread on, is an option to remove 1 player from the spy list. Right now I guild spy entire guilds and the have to copy and paste all the names I want, put them all in the spy separately and then get confused with 20+ ships as to who I need to sink and whos where, would love to make it simpler.

    For the Parlay idea, not a massive fan. Firstly I think 20k pearls to defend an island for 8 hours is way too cheap. For guilds like ours with 10+ islands and taking them as well it doesn't seem too powerful, but if it comes to a guild with just 1 island, they could have their island protected from around 10pm - 6am every day, meaning they avoid peak island shooting time, for just 20k pearls a day. Also, guilds would be shooting an island and just as all the towers get to low HP, somebody in the guild throws down the Parlay and now you can just watch while the towers all repair and cant be shot.


  6. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    Parlay - When a Guild, or Guild Alliance, can actually plan to attack an Island, let them do it. 8 hours of a "ceasefire" is not fair to those who have decided to go forward with their plans. The only time they may have to attack could be during this 8 hour block of "non-aggression". I don't feel that a ceasefire of 1 minute is acceptable. Keep things the way they are.

    I also agree with what Destruction says, above. 1 Tower left, and the Parlay is then activated by the Guild (depending on what your design was for this feature.)

    PVP Icon - Not a completely bad idea. Maybe do it like a stoplight, lol.
    Green: you have not sunk this player.
    Yellow: you have sunk this player once.
    Red: you have sunk this player twice.
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