Suggestion Upgrading & Payment Packs

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Destruction, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Good morning,

    This may seem a little... obvious? BigPoint, would it not make sense and benefit everybody if, when bringing out items to upgrade, you actually put the items for sale so that players can upgrade them?

    With the extensions on this VIP Black Market that is the exact case. These are now upgradable up to level 2 and we are still yet to have a single opportunity to buy these whilst they are available for upgrading.

    Would it not make sense for BigPoint to bring these items out for sale when demand for them is high? It would benefit the players and BigPoint!

  2. Shiny_Bot#27

    Shiny_Bot#27 Forum Apprentice

    Can we have options in regards to finance plans, paying with limbs and digits? I have an extra eyeball and kidney. Only need one to play the game. Argh! How about Plasma? Bigpoint Barter System?
    _RATTY_., Panthoneum and Destruction like this.
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