US west lagging

Discussion in 'Help' started by Figo_Fagot_, Feb 4, 2015.

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  1. Figo_Fagot_

    Figo_Fagot_ Forum Apprentice

    Had restart here and then everything keeps freezing/lagging horribly w ship getting stuck while npcs shoot me. take 3 mins to logout when i not have problem before second restart
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I will forward this as soon as you provide your id number. It may be wise to log out for the next 10 minutes so that support can check this further.
  3. Figo_Fagot_

    Figo_Fagot_ Forum Apprentice

    146/41840730 backpage lagging and cant connect to server now
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Our support team had no issues logging on and sailing your account as you can see from your log book entries. So the issue does not appear to be from our side.

    2015-02-04 10:50:28
    You received 78 pearls.
    78 Pearls
    2015-02-04 10:50:22
    You received 18 EP (experience points).

    2015-02-04 10:50:18
    Your ship now has 151 more hitpoints and can now continue its journey.

    2015-02-04 10:50:14
    Your ship now has 122 more hitpoints and can now continue its journey.

    2015-02-04 10:50:12
    You received 10 EP (experience points).

    Please clear your browser cookies and cache, this will delete the old stored data and allow the new correct data to be downloaded. Please remember that after deleting your cache it may be necessary to restart your PC after.

    This process is best described in this forum thread

    It covers the four main browsers.

    Then using the link below, please click "delete all sites" on the tool there, this will delete the entirety of the cache.

    Once done please restart your browser and try again.
  5. VASA1628

    VASA1628 Someday Author

    yeah well im lagging all week never like this before...I try to play uswest just now and lagging bad other players have same problems. I did a full computer system cleanup online and clear the cache like normal..but it does not help. every day lag and crash.
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you Vasa, your concerns have been forwarded.
  7. VASA1628

    VASA1628 Someday Author

    thanks Nimitz...I hope it can get fixed..i did everything on this 1 year old computer..actually wiped it to factory settings..wiped everything off the computer. bought an online software thing the fixes any problems...and clear cache and all. but just try to play tonight us west coast Washington state and horrible lag. cant play the game at all. could it be a geographic problem some have issues some don't.
  8. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    If you live in Washington state, it is most likely not a geographic problem as far as distance from server which I believe is in San Francisco. Who is your ISP? I have heard a number of people experiencing lag who have Verizon Fios. I dont know if this is just a coincidence or more.
  9. Cabo-Pirate

    Cabo-Pirate Forum Apprentice

    Just a suggestion, not a fix. But people with the Verizon as Nimitz stated have been able to get around the lag by using a free VPN. You can google search "free VPN" (Virtual Private Network) and find one you like. Just connect to the internet through the VPN and bam! Your lag is gone. Its not a permanent solution but at least you will be able to play lag free until they get a fix for it. I had the same issue with one of my computers and did that and haven't had lag since. Hope that helps
  10. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for the information to try to help your fellow players.
  11. VASA1628

    VASA1628 Someday Author

    I still have the problem cant get on the game. I try a vpn but it wont work..i don't know. I cant play very often gets stuck at 48%. I clear online cache, computer cache, did system check online fixed those issues. they different browser. all the same. game is not playable for me anymore. usually its lag when I get on then I eventually crash and cant get back on water. any ideas what I can do. never had such a long term usa west coast
  12. FlynteLocke

    FlynteLocke Advanced

    Me too, I got kicked out of a scroll trying to f5 because of lag and freezing and now an hour and 30 later I can't get on water. US2 West. Oh! and I did clear cachebefore during and after, 3 times today.
  13. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Using a free VPN would effectively change your IP when logging onto the game. As Seafight bans for account sharing, and does this by checking the IP address of the player, and using a VPN would show to the Seafight team as a separate IP, would this be bannable or could possibly result in a ban? As you would have no idea when a player is using a VPN or just sharing accounts.

    I know of a few players who use this method, and it does solve their problem. If I was to use one to solve my lag issue, I would hate to be banned for it.
  14. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    It may show a different ip address, but it would not show other accounts linking to your account if you do not share accounts. It is not just the ip address that is gone by when checking for account sharing. There are many other calculations taken into consideration.

    So no if you do not share accounts, using a VPN would not be a banable offense.
  15. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    You may want to try to improve the performance of your pc,one way of doing this is by clicking start on your desktop then->click help and support->then type in "ways to improve my computers performance", from there you will see many options that will help you. There is a recent flash and java update this could be your issue in some cases you may want to completely remove flash and reinstall the new update from the link below, and In giving instructions as well to clear your browser cache It's important to do this at least 3 times a week if you tend to have issues.
  16. Figo_Fagot_

    Figo_Fagot_ Forum Apprentice

    I think it serverprobem sice my conection is good 100 mbps and no probem with other games I lag much only this game. Evem other severs better perform then this 1
  17. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Thanks for the additional information, we will inform the relevant parties.
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