USA West is down

Discussion in 'Help' started by TheReelDeal, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. TheReelDeal

    TheReelDeal Padavan

    Come on guys. You must be aware that thee USA West server is having problems again. The system is auto logging off, the screen is white, and your hp is 0.
    Other servers are working, I've checked. If you can't fix it, let us move our accounts onto a server that works. Customer Care/ IT notoriously leaves USA West down while working on other issues. EXTREMELY frustrating ... and please don't apologize for the inconvenience, just fix the problem.
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    I have passed this on to the developers. For now all we can do it wait. Thank you for your patience.
  3. TheReelDeal

    TheReelDeal Padavan

    There IS more that we can do. (1) Allow players to switch servers, (2) hire people who can fix the issues. I am sure there are more.
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you for your input. It will be passed on. However, for the immediate future, nothing can be done until the dev team works on the servers. Again, all I can ask for is your patience. I realize it maybe running thin, but I ask you to stay patient for a bit longer.
  5. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, lol!!
  6. †Ţŕõŭbĺệ†`

    †Ţŕõŭbĺệ†` Forum Greenhorn

    pffttt, this is ridiculous
  7. TheReelDeal

    TheReelDeal Padavan

    Be patient with this. The developers have FAILED. This is not the first time. No one believes this will be the last time. They are probably sleeping, and we are just SOL until after they have breakfast and wander into the office. The developers are not responsible. BP will not provide any financial reimbursement for those who have purchased items that have time expirations. Again, we are just SOL. So I apologize for the inconvenience to you for having to pass my frustration onto the "developers" who have FAILED the players of USA West once again.
  8. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you all for your input, As this is not a complaints section and there is nothing more we can do. I will now close.

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