Valentine Event Ship Clarification

Discussion in 'Help' started by wolfgangz, Feb 12, 2018.

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  1. wolfgangz

    wolfgangz Forum Apprentice

    Can someone clarify how does winning the event ship works? I can see on the FAQs that doing the last hit or doing the most damage will let you win the event ship. I've single handedly attack Romeo from 30M hp down to 3M until someone joined in and not sure who did the last hit but obviously I've done the most part of the damage. I haven't received the event ship? Is there something missing?

  2. From the FAQ:

    Black Rose design can be won when causing last shot or most damage on either Romeo or Juliet event ship.

    Not every Romeo or Juliet NPC is designed to give out a reward. Some do, and some don't.

    Has this answered your query?
  3. wolfgangz

    wolfgangz Forum Apprentice

    Thanks ManOverboard, that's very unfortunate..... Please close
  4. As per op request

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