Valentines Day Event 2017

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Feb 11, 2017.

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  1. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    Really, 25 mil hp for Romeo and Juliet, and then you only get a small chance of winning the skin what on earth are the Dev teams thinking about when getting an event together that the majority of smaller ships cant even blast 1/4 of that hp off that ship unless they team up with bigger (more hp) ships. The use of elite ammo is ridiculous for many players having spent most of it during the pirate lords event and not to have an option in the blackmarket to purchase more for pearls, let alone not have a voucher for said ammo.
  2. -bogya-hun-cdf

    -bogya-hun-cdf Forum Greenhorn

    is the event ships in all maps or just in certain ones? there's nothing under this event saying what maps or if they r in all maps. like 2 and up for instance. also, is there no place to buy the ammo at? nothing in black market
  3. sponks

    sponks Regular

    The thing i also do not understand: why does the event ticker and ranking say it's 3 days and in the FAQ it says it has a 7 day duration?
  4. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

    i dont think what is the idea of sf for this event ... i have already got the design .... so if event could be profitable i would play but now i want to know what should i do now in this event ... its event without sense
  5. ejder123123

    ejder123123 Someday Author

    useless event.... better delete it....
  6. COUP

    COUP Advanced

    this is the worst event ever .... waste of ammo poor rewards someone should be fired for this event lol
  7. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    According to the Devs it is supposed to only be for 3 days
  8. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

  9. Enoque

    Enoque Forum Apprentice

    How long will the payment packs be out for?
  10. bodean

    bodean Forum Pro

    this event wasn't for my boat. too much ammo spent or wasted and i didn't even get a chance to see any profit. i tried 3 different times to do this event-but it was just to costly. 25mil? really? give me a freedom event anytime! lol!
  11. grvr

    grvr Forum Greenhorn

    This is the most ( insert bad word ) event, it has to be a joke. Cause this trash is just embarassing, coulda gave us a rerun of any other years. then i love the whole 3 hours before restart server maintenace pop up and kick us off. dont worry i wont ask for all the ammo back, cause wont matter. anytime stuff like this happens should automaticlly have a voucher posted with like 10k pearl.
  12. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert

    Well, it's not poorly made event. With quests you make profit. So if you play 1h per day, that's a perfect event.
    But for all other hardcore players, that event is nonsense. Basicly just do daily quests, and wait for a new event, Calypso should be OK, hopefully :)
  13. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    This restart was announced last night.

  14. LogoRhea

    LogoRhea Someday Author

    Ok, this event is perhaps not the best in Seafight, but it shows one thing: that Bigpoint/Seafight is very very good at managing expectations. Congratulations for a very smart way (however, please try not to organize such events too often).

    And, by the way, I just got the new design after shooting 15 events ships, so thank you Seafight!, this event is not bad at all.:)
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  15. LogoRhea

    LogoRhea Someday Author


    if you have a smaller ship, you may want to find a guild mate who can repair your ship while you are shooting the event NPC.
  16. Deathless-007

    Deathless-007 Active Author

    Not bad or good event...
  17. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    You can profit with the quests. I bought 400000 kraken ammo when I had the chance and I am making profit. Remember you can also steal from your enemies. I am starting to love sfa...
  18. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert

    Could you share your tactic, how you profit from this event, other than quests? I honestly have NO IDEA, how can you do it.

    Even, if you use tortuga, and steal 2,3 or even ALL glitters, I hardly see any profit in either pearls, time or consumables.

    Best regards
  19. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Only quests give pearls. Smoke bombs are usefull. Unless you have kraken ammo, ignore the event.
  20. CrazyWulfy

    CrazyWulfy Junior Expert

    Easy and great event to make 80k pearls a day. If you need an event to keep you on all day; you need a life. Great event for those that have jobs and a real life, you can get on and make 80k pearls. Awesome.
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