Valentines Day Event 2017

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Feb 11, 2017.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I think Romeo and Juliet died 1 minute after this Event started.
    WHATS-HIS-NAME and grahinho like this.
  2. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    Romeo and Juliet saw this event and said life just isn't worth living.
    grahinho likes this.
  3. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    I want to add that you can easily steal the last shot. Thats how I got the Capulet. lol
    LogoRhea likes this.
  4. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    I know I haven't been on much, but I haven't seen even one player take a shot at the event boats.
  5. skuttler

    skuttler Forum Apprentice

    cos the events poo , they should fix the game itself 1st
  6. CrazyWulfy

    CrazyWulfy Junior Expert

    I received 240k pearls in the event, you guys must have been playing a different one. It was a great and easy 240k pearls; didn't work for it.
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