"Vanity Item" Sale

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Aug 19, 2015.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Vanity Item Sale

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Between the 20th of August (noon) and the 25th of August (noon) we are going to run a "Vanity Item" Sale.

    During the sale you have access to

    • · Ghost Package
    • · Sailor Package
    • · Privateer Package
    • · Warship Package
    • · Monster Package

    The Ghost Package contains:

    • Elite Kiliwalli
    • Elite Kilimatu
    • Elite Kokelau.

    All of them have the splintered Lapis Lazuli gem with 5000 HP.

    Sailor Package contains:

    • Magellan
    • Bomberbee
    • Aurora Borealis!

    The three ship designs contain the Splintered Lapis Lazuli gem (5000 HP).

    The Privateer Package contains:

    • Pirate King Design with the splintered Lapis Lazuli gem (5000 HP)
    • Brute Design, with the synthetic Lapis Lazuli (15000 HP) and the cut Garnet gem (10% harpoon damage)
    • Abaddon Design with splintered Lapis Lazuli (5000 HP) and raw Ruby (5% cannon damage) gems!

    The Warship Package contains:

    • An old Event design - with the splintered Lapis Lazuli gem
    • Intenium Platinum Design – with the splintered Lapis Lazuli gem
    • Red Baron Design with the gleaming Lapis Lazuli (65000 HP) and chiseled Ruby (11% cannon damage) gems!

    Every of these four packages will also have 2x Lord’s Booty Bags, 2x King’s Booty Bags and 2x Emperor’s Booty Bags!

    Also available during this time will be the Monster Package again, containing three classic pets:

    • Architeuthis
    • Bacalou (35,000 extra Voodoo Points)
    • Sir Isaac (40,000 extra Voodoo Points & 5% Dodge Hit Chance)!

    With these little fiends on your side, the horizon's the limit!

    Your Seafight team
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