VCM Bloodfang Aggression?

Discussion in 'Help' started by kyloe, Dec 15, 2017.

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  1. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Hi there, i am inquiring about the NPC VCM Bloodfangs, My question is how aggressive is their nature, roughly a month ago, maybe a bit longer i shot one for the first time, now it seems everyone that i sail by hits me ro almost 20k hitpoints, is this normal?
    I have asked other players because it seems i can be in a stack of players, they only seem to shoot me, i have asked a few players and they say they never get hit by them.
    Im just wondering because i have a decent boat, yet im almost sunk by sailing across a lower range map.
    Any info would be great, ty
  2. Beorn

    Beorn User


    VCM Bloodfang and VCM Blizzard shoot you because you are a higher level player (26+) and are staying in 8-14 maps. They do hit quite a bit, and have long range. These NPC’s are used for Quests in 26+ Levels, and to force higher level players to play in maps of their level.

    My advice would be to avoid these maps, if possible.

    I hope that helps.
  3. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Oh ok thank u for the info
    Lostsail likes this.
  4. As this has been resolved,

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