
Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Mar 16, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Brace yourselves as we introduce you to our latest addition, a spectacular volcano that can be found in some of our maps;
    5/1, 23/1, 38/1 and 41/2!

    With the fiery molten lava flowing down its sides the imposing presence of the volcano will add a new dimension to the gameplay experience that you have come to know and love.

    Be sure to keep your wits about you, as the volcano is an unpredictable force of nature. It could erupt at any moment, raining down lava and volcanic rocks on everything in its path.

    The volcano presents a unique challenge that requires players to work together to keep the volcano alive.

    Players must work as a team to hunt down and eliminate the volcanic rocks to fuel the volcano and prevent the magma chamber from cooling down. Failure to do so quickly enough will cause the volcano's eruption to dwindle, eventually leading to its extinction.

    The longer you keep the volcano alive, the more rewards you can earn.

    In addition, if players are able to kill the volcanic rocks fast enough, they can progress the volcano to the next stage, which offers even better rewards.

    But be warned, the challenge will become increasingly difficult as the volcano enters each new stage, and it will start to dwindle quicker.

    Players will need to work together, use their skills, and strategize carefully to overcome the challenges and earn the rewards.

    So, gather your team, stock up on your weapons and be on the lookout for the volcanic rocks.

    Eliminate them as quickly as possible, and ensure that the volcano remains alive and active to gain the best loot. Good luck, and may the volcano's power be with you!

    How will I know when the Volcano is active?

    The volcano will always be present on the maps, however, only when it is active will you see the lava pouring down the side of the volcano.

    Players will also receive a message to inform you that the Volcano is active.

    Are all Volcanoes active at the same time?

    Yes, all volcanoes will erupt at the same time, and when one dwindles all volcanoes will dwindle.

    Where do the Volcanic Rocks spawn?

    Volcanic Rocks will spawn around every volcano.

    How does the Volcano dwindle?

    The Volcano will only erupt for a short time.

    As each second passes it will cool further and further until it eventually dwindles and the eruption stops.

    As the stage of the Volcano increases, the rate at which it dwindles also increases.

    How can we keep the eruption going?

    Simply killing the volcanic rocks that spawn from the volcano fuels the volcanoes wrath! Each rock you kill adds more time to the volcano.

    Could we keep the volcano active permanently?

    The volcano has a maximum eruption time which differs with each eruption, so get involved while you can to reap all the rewards!

    Once the maximum eruption time has been reached it will stop erupting and you will have to wait until the next eruption, which could be few and far between.

    How does the Volcano advance to the next stage?

    If you kill the volcanic rocks fast enough as a server, the more time you will add to the volcanic eruption. Once you have reached certain thresholds, you will then advance to the next stage with a more violent eruption, more volcanic rocks and a chance at better rewards.