
Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jul 6, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Get ready for an exciting twist on the Volcano, still located in maps 5/1, 23/1, 38/1, 41/2 and 51/1 however, this time with some slight differences.

    The volcano is still an unpredictable force of nature.

    It could erupt at any moment, raining down lava and volcanic rocks on everything in its path.

    But heed this: the fate of the Volcano lies in your hands!

    As you rain down damage upon it, the Volcano will transition through various phases, each more treacherous than the last.

    These phases spawn different enemies, each guarding valuable loot for the intrepid conquerors.

    Choose your targets wisely, for you'll face the strategic dilemma of damaging the Volcano to keep it alive or focusing on dispatching the spawned enemies for immediate rewards. Make your decision wisely and adapt your tactics accordingly.

    The intensity rises as the volcano progresses. The more waves you conquer, the greater the spoils that await you.

    Reach the final wave, the pinnacle of challenge, and you'll be rewarded with legendary NPCs carrying unimaginable treasures. But be prepared for a true test of skill and endurance.

    Gather your allies, the Volcano promises an unforgettable adventure where cooperation, strategy, and quick reflexes will lead to unparalleled triumphs. Your every decision counts, and the rewards will match your valor.

    How will I know when the Volcano is active?

    The volcano will always be present on the maps, however, only when it is active will you see the lava pouring down the side of the volcano.

    Players will also receive a message to inform you that the Volcano is active.

    Are all Volcanoes active at the same time?

    Yes, all volcanoes will erupt at the same time, and when one dwindles all volcanoes will dwindle. The Volcanoes Hitpoints will also be synced across all maps, so which Volcano you attack does not matter.

    How can we keep the eruption going?

    Damaging the Volcano within a specific time frame will trigger a transition to the next phase. Each phase introduces new enemies, tougher challenges, and better loot.

    Your damage output and strategic choices will determine your progress.

    Are there rewards?

    Yes, there are rewards! By defeating enemies, you can obtain valuable loot, and reaching higher waves will unlock even better rewards.

    The final wave poses a significant challenge but promises legendary NPCs carrying exceptional treasures.

    Is there a strategy to maximize rewards?

    Yes, choosing between damaging the Volcano to keep it alive or eliminating the spawned enemies for immediate rewards presents a strategic dilemma.

    Adapt your tactics based on your goals and collaborate with your team for optimal results.

    Could we keep the volcano active permanently?

    The volcano has a maximum eruption time, so get involved while you can to reap all the rewards!

    Once the maximum eruption time has been reached it will stop erupting and you will have to wait until the next eruption, which could be few and far between.

    How do I know which version of the Volcano is active?

    Either the original or this adjusted version of the Volcano can erupt.

    With this version however, you will notice some friendly NPCs attacking the Volcano too!