voodoo deck gone?

Discussion in 'Help' started by WĨŁĎĔBĚĚŜT, May 4, 2014.

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    WĨŁĎĔBĚĚŜT Forum Apprentice

    i spent almost 5 k Mojos in the cauldron over the last 3 days and didn´t get one single voodoo deck.
    is it possible that it got suspended or is it only bad luck

    WĨŁĎĔBĚĚŜT Forum Apprentice

    After some research in other forums it seems that the mojodeck is not longer availible for players that had the invalid date from 1969 or 1970. for those who have the date 2099 it´s a higher chance to get them out of cauldron.

    BUT IM MISSING AN Official announcment to that mistake.

    if BP figures out that there is something wrong ,why don´t u make a statement in the forums? no u let users figure it out by making a big loss.
    ty for that
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    We have not been told that this is the case. If we had been an announcement would have been made.

    As for the deck in the cauldron, this is down to luck. As far as we are aware it is still there.
  4. -KillerKen-

    -KillerKen- Active Author

    Shiver there is definitely something wrong with getting the deck from the cauldron. I used to get at least one every 3-4 days but now that the expire date is jacked up I'm not getting any. Yet one of my guildmates who had to throw thousands of mojo has been getting them a lot since the error. The expire date on his is the year 2099 and mine is the year 1969 (good year by the way lol). so this error is definitely effecting the drop rate in the cauldron.
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I will let them know, but like I say most of this is down to luck.

    As no reply from the op.

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