voodoo deck

Discussion in 'Help' started by TãñK™, May 6, 2014.

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  1. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    something is very wrong since the dates have been mest up on players boats for the mojo deck no one has got one by spending mojos and I mean no one I have asking hundreds of players on the us west server and nothing please look into this.
    id# 12244987
    us west server
  2. Kazuto

    Kazuto Padavan

    I believe they may have made the mojo deck more of a rare item then what it used to be.
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    There are indeed issues with how the dates show up in the log book, we have not been given any indication from the dev team that these have affected the cauldren in any way. However, I will pass on your concern in our report. Thank you. I realize this may not be the exact answer you were hoping for.
  4. TãñK™

    TãñK™ Advanced

    yes ok ty couse not one person has got a mojo deck in a week on the west server by spendin mojo
  5. .†SĨŊŊBλφ.

    .†SĨŊŊBλφ. Junior Expert

    Tank, I know why the Cauldron is broken. You know how I always say the Cauldron hates me and wont give me Mojo Decks while others get 2 or 3 or 4 a day.
    Well bro, the Cauldron gave me a mojo deck, and then it broke. I mean seriously, 3 months and I dont get a Mojo Deck, then I get one mojo deck and the cauldron packs it in lmao.
    So you can blame me for it being broken. I can just hear the Gods of the Cauldron, still hiding in shame saying "We gave that noob a Mojo deck?..What were we thinking! What were we drinking?"
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As this has been forwarded this post will be closed for now.

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