Voodoo Hunt!

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Rymar, Jul 20, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Voodoo Hunt!

    The event starts at
    Friday, 21st July at 12:00 noon and ends Tuesday, 25th July at 12:00 noon.

    All times are local server times.

    The Voodoo Hunt event contains the following:

    • 2 event ships (1 normal, 1 admiral)
    • Event chests
    • A special quest item: Shrunken Head
    • Event quests
    • A ship design: Tsantsa Queen
    General Info

    The Voodoo Hunt event is a small hunt event where you can hunt 2 event ships, Mysterious Schooner and Caleuche on maps 5 – 50.

    Mysterious Schooner spawns by chance Caleuche on death.

    A quest item: “Shrunken Head” (buyable in the payment section) increases the loot of the event ships.

    All event ships must be shot with elite ammunition.

    • Mysterious Schooner:
      • All players who inflict at least 20% damage receive Vashtak Reputation. If players have over 100 Vashtak Reputation, they will have a chance to Crystal Skulls. Players who have a Shrunken Head in their stock are rewarded additionally with Crystal Skulls.
      • Depending on how much damage inflict (at least 10%) you are rewarded with XP and Pearls, Crowns or Yulong Coins. Players who have a Shrunken Head in their stock are rewarded additionally with Crowns, Yulong Coins or Safanad Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage gains Pearls and Mojo.
      • The play who inflicts the last shot and at least 1% damage is awarded Crowns.
    • Caleuche:
      • All players who inflict at least 1% damage receive Vashtak Reputation. Players who have a Shrunken Head in their stock have the chance to receive the design Tsantsa Queen. If players have over 100 Vashtak Reputation, they will have a chance to Crystal Skulls.
      • Depending on how much damage inflict (at least 1%) you are rewarded with XP and Pearls, Crowns or Yulong Coins. Players who have a Shrunken Head in their stock are rewarded additionally with Crystal Skulls and Crowns, Yulong Coins or Safanad Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage gains Pearls.
      • The player who inflicts at least 1% damage and inflicts the last shot will have a chance to get Crowns
    Event Treasure Chests

    In the Event Treasure Chests, you find many useful items, such as Voodoo ammunition, Dead Man’s Rope, Imperial Talcum, Simbi & Taureau amulets, Dragonfire, Elmo’s fire, Stone of Storms, Bloodlust, Unstoppable, Tritons benevolence, Whirlpool, Mojo, Bastion Level 4 and many more.


    Voodoo ammunition causes more damage against all event ships.


    You can accept quests by speaking to Nadira Boro (Safe Haven).

    There are 3 quests, two daily quest and one which you can accept all the time.

    But attention, to finish the quest you must deliver a Shrunken Head, when it is your last one you don´t get the additional loot from the event ships anymore!

    The daily quest is reset each day at 12 noon (local server time).

    Ship Design

    How to obtain?!?
    Tsantsa Queen
    Special Gem: -
    1st Offensive Gem: Flawless Rose Quartz (12.5% Hit Probability)
    2nd Offensive Gem: Flawless Coral (25% Critical Damage)
    1st Defensive Gem: Flawless Sapphire (125.000 Voodoo Points)
    2nd Defensive Gem: Impeccable Azurite (52% Repair Value, 13% Repair Speed)
    Black market. Possible NPC loot.

    Post Event Compensation

    The event keys are exchanged for normal chest keys, Shrunken Heads for Yulong Coins, and Crystal Skulls for ammunition.