vovoi black hearted killer

Discussion in 'Help' started by i4Ni, Aug 9, 2017.

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  1. i4Ni

    i4Ni Forum Greenhorn

    can someone explain why I am unable to board any of the black hearted killers for my vovoi quest or is it just some of them that you can board, I am over the level needed to do the quest.
  2. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    I think you need a boarding officer as well as the required boarding bonus
  3. i4Ni

    i4Ni Forum Greenhorn

    hmmm will have a look at that, thanks lude
  4. Get yourself a boarding officer and you will notice a big difference, i4Ni. Remember to always have your pirates, armor, and weapons maxed, when you do go to board. Give these tips a try, and I bet you won't have any more problems.

    Let me know how it works.
  5. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    There is also a chance that a player has shot it down, boarded it, and then left it to repair.
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Totally agree with that statement Des, however he did say "unable to board any of the black hearted killers" and I doubt this would have happened with all he attempted to board. Thank you for the added information for those pirates that experience this occassionally.
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