VP amulets

Discussion in 'Help' started by 乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. 乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂

    乂_〤THE_TRUNCHEON〤_乂 Forum Apprentice

    How do many players jump from 0 to 130 voodoo points??Has been going on for many weeks now,and when i ask ..no one answers..besides a Ho well..
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    We are looking into this. We ask that you get the username and IDs of all players you see doing this and send them into support if possible. Then we can look into the issue deeper. Thank you.
  3. I'm not positive if this is the same issue but I think this is a visual glitch when someone uses an amulet, it shows double what the actual amulet gave them and after a few shots it becomes noticeable.
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Thank you for the additional information, we will pass this along.

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