Well hello there!

Discussion in 'The Players' started by English~Rose, Mar 9, 2016.

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  1. Banksy

    Banksy Forum Greenhorn

    Hey hey M.C.F.C, good to see you are still about, and im all good thanks hope you are well also, and that sounds like an idea to me haha, I need to call the seafight coastguard to tow my ship across the oceans, now I have got a rotten old barge floating around :)
  2. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    Wow! amazing!! i believe i was in some of these test or quest for friends or just plain old seafight chillaxing mode on teamspeak. helping others was always fun and rewarding, we all did these ventures together but then we would war on different sides, hahaha! friends for test, but enemies in war!! LOL

    i know this is late coming, but i miss all you clowns across the pond! here in the US, i miss SirSwash, HI-POWER, seaofdeath, murph, stunter, GLOCK, AleutianGrey, OneShotKiller, Blacky9....and so many more! hmm, terrortornado, longbowman, mroolas...

    What! i remember you, its all hazy but i do remember blackpearl21
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 12, 2019
    ~DP~ likes this.
  3. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    oh lil mr.swash what memories! I recall being a little guppy fish wrangler, then SirSwash took me under his flipper and turned me into a sea terror! hehehe there were times when i was sunk for days trying to find a shinney to repair... Thanks Swash....
    ~DP~ and phatty-Boastrike like this.
  4. ~DP~

    ~DP~ Forum Greenhorn

    look at all these names of old.. wow.. such wonderful memories.. - Forbes- Rose- Terror- Stunter ( where is stunter at by the way)
    Long time no see for all of you.
    phatty-Boastrike likes this.
  5. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    Ahoy! wish i knew where any of these old mates are now! last i heard from was glock and blondepirate on new years 2012!!. We were going to chill but we just could not. Wish i knew about stunter but no leads.
  6. phatty-Boastrike

    phatty-Boastrike Junior Expert

    argh! wheres gitzy13
  7. piratebuccaneer.

    piratebuccaneer. Someday Author

    Rose! Nice to see you! I've been away for 8 years, but popped in one day about a month ago and I've been on every day since lol

    My little 1 yr old who used to sit on my lap while I played is now 14! Time flies... I hope you are doing well.

    It's nice to see a few other familiar names on here :)

  8. Captainhuc

    Captainhuc Forum Greenhorn

  9. Syruss

    Syruss Forum Greenhorn

    May I join in with the old Cronies! :D Forbes you little scoundral! hit me up on steam somewhen when you all check back in (Crankreid)

    PRICEY(BOP) Forum Greenhorn

    hey you still play ?

    rememebr me from 2007 pricey81 in WAR tehn took over VIP when billnoynomates and catius was around?
    djt182 likes this.
  11. English~Rose

    English~Rose Forum Apprentice

    I do remember you! Unfortunately I haven’t actually logged into the sea since 2009 ish. I don’t think I ever will.

    wow all these old names and memories are bringing me right back to the good old days.

    SFT still the best team though.

    anyone remember eventually making the DILLIGAF alliance?? Think 1-C, R4W and SFT were in it but I can’t remember who else.

    Oh gosh - Teamspeak! That brings back some memories. Although I was always too shy to actually talk on there so I used to just listen and type my side of the conversations. Haha!

    Over 15 years since I last played yet reading this thread from all the oldies took me right back as if it was only yesterday.

    Hope everyone is doing good!!

    I will look forward to seeing if anyone is still around even if just lurking the forums.

    Signing out for another 5 years .

    (Also known as Sarah)
    djt182 likes this.