What for?

Discussion in 'Help' started by the*king*happy-DEVIl, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. the*king*happy-DEVIl

    the*king*happy-DEVIl Forum Greenhorn

    Why was my post (containing general feedback) delete from general feedback section.

    do you delete what you do not like? Why have feedback section then? :mad:
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Which thread was your post in, what part of the general feedback was this post made. Without know what the post was about, and not having a link to the section I am unable to review this and inform you of the reason.
  3. the*king*happy-DEVIl

    the*king*happy-DEVIl Forum Greenhorn

  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Your post was not deleted. It was closed to further responses. Thread is still open to be viewed, just not respond.
  5. the*king*happy-DEVIl

    the*king*happy-DEVIl Forum Greenhorn

    The thread is still there, yes, but I put a post in there that is now gone.
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    If there was an offensive or insulting post this will have been removed, if it was unable to be edited.
  7. the*king*happy-DEVIl

    the*king*happy-DEVIl Forum Greenhorn

    Yeah, that's common forum policy. But I did nothing of the kind in my post. I can't remember it word for word, but it was in reply to rise editing out the list of players from the virgo scroll hall of fame. I posted something along these lines:

    What do you mean it provides a way for these players to be tracked? The hall of fame is public information, and all I must do to see this list is open hall of fame - and look! There it is.
  8. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Calling out a group of players and some others is the same as calling out a player as someone can go to the Rankings and figure out who you accused, this is not acceptable. And as such I removed the comment as oppose to giving you a warning.

    As for the length of time to catch a cheat, it will always be an on going battle as cheat writers create them to counter our anti cheat systems. However, once a cheat is banned they are banned for good.

    Has this helped to answer your query? :)
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