Discussion in 'Help' started by Kosova***, Jan 11, 2019.

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  1. Kosova***

    Kosova*** Forum Inhabitant

    Hi there. When you will start to do something about playing which are breaking rules and "playing" 24/7? Just go and take a look on League Rankings 2milliard points ppl for less than a month that's a joke they can not play 24/7 per day and making points like crazy, ofc they are using illegal things like bots, etc.Or you maybe are like that how ppl are saying left and right, just buy a package 1.99$ and you'll never get punnishment about using illegal things. JUST DO IT!! (ban permanent them)
  2. Hellspawn69

    Hellspawn69 Forum Apprentice

    the simplest answer to your statement is that big point does not care about its players. But there is something we can do about it in the usa. If bigpoint won't adhere to their own rules and regulations then maybe they should be removed from all servers in the usa. think of all the money they would lose.
  3. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    Easiest thing is to sink any and all ships that are not following rules....period
    ..¨Zerب.. likes this.
  4. Kosova***

    Kosova*** Forum Inhabitant

    We are doing that but you can not sunk them 24/7 also they are mostly of the time on bonus maps when there isn't any event!
  5. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    and how would you let everyone else know who is cheating when bigpoint won't let their names be mentioned in chat or forum

    TEX~BULL User

    this is not a discussion thread. If you have someone to report, contact support.

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