Where are the EVENT ammos?

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by semert, Dec 15, 2022.

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  1. semert

    semert Forum Apprentice

    So we have midgard event now but in the market we can not see the ammos (with pearl) which does extra damages for event ships?

    Do you guys really pushing your players to buy it with cash :D lol
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy semert!

    Heartbreaker Ammunition, Shellshock Ammunition and Kraken Ammunition can be found within the event market to be purchased with Snow Ammunition (trades).

    Currently that's the only option to obtain this ammunition.

    I'll forward your feedback regarding the cost of this ammo onto the appropriate party.

  3. semert

    semert Forum Apprentice

    Only 250.000 for the whole event, is this sufficient and is it what you guys think event is?
  4. thats what you get now a days
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