Feedback Where is Pyre's ammunition on the Black Market!?

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~xZukerx~, Mar 9, 2019.

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  1. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Advanced

    Firstly, the option to exchange Pyre Ammo for souls was withdrawn from the Black Market.

    And now, not even buying with pearls is available on the Black Market!?

    Does this, between the lines, mean that only those who are willing to spend the real money can participate in the events?

    Calypso's event for pearls was so good. And, this event was good until recently. But BP acts only to select only who can afford it.

    This really is discouraging.

    I hope this is echoed. And those who control can reflect on their actions (even knowing that this is a utopia).
    Loki162 and Deadsailord like this.
  2. ·єviłωαყѕ·

    ·єviłωαყѕ· Board Analyst

    It had a set limit on what you could buy in black market and seachart market, once you reached that limit can only buy with money. That is done because to many people that play this game are using exploits maybe to get unlimited amounts of ammo. You can still get keys and get pre ammo from event chest, shipwrecks and normal chest. hope this helps

    TEX~BULL User

    Thank you ·єviłωαყѕ· for the assistance. You are absolutely correct.

  4. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Advanced

    What are these ways? Spend $130 to get 5 million Pyre ammo?

    Using exploits for unlimited source of ammunition? Look, my dear ·єviłωαყѕ·, I only see one way to get unlimited ammunition: that is by buying with the credit card. If some players take advantage of a bug in the game, it's BP itself who should take care of it.

    And do not make other honest players pay for others.

    I know wrecks and chests grant Pyre ammunition. But the amount of ammunition that comes from these sources is insufficient to sink the Postmen and get the precious pearls.

    It's very beautiful what you said ·єviłωαყѕ·, but let's see in practice:

    I need about 6.000 roud of pyre ammo to sink a postmen. I bought 15 keys while I wrote this publication to check how much ammunition I can get by investing 15.000 pearls. Besides, while I was opening chests, I destroyed 5 shipwrecks. With 15 open chests and 5 wrecks destroyed I only got 7.500 rounds of Pyre Ammo. That is, I can only sink 1 Postmen and get some 3.500 pearls.

    With 15.000 pearls of investment I get a return of only 3,500 pearls. That is, a loss (even if I have gotten some valuable items like elmos fire, halistrom, etc. does not compensate the investment) huge in pearls.

    However, if I only bought 500.000 rounds of Pyre ammo, I would have ammunition to sink, about 83 postmens. And consequently he would get about 290.500 pearls.

    It is clear that the number of souls that is obtained sinking 83 postmens is large enough to exchange for a considerable amount of Pyre ammo to sink further Postmens and consequently get more pearls.

    BP provides the possibility to buy ammunition for the event and then the representative (Tex) agrees with the phrase: "many people who play this game are using exploits maybe to get unlimited amounts of ammo."

    Therefore, these other ways to get pyre ammo are only unwarranted excuses in the reality of who plays seafight. BP wants to sell ammunition to those who can afford to get large quantities of pearls. And, it limits a fair way for those who can not pay for rounds of pyre ammo.

    Cordially and unsatisfied,

  5. ·єviłωαყѕ·

    ·єviłωαყѕ· Board Analyst

    I have collected about 2.5 million Pyre ammo from normal chest it's ammo I never use unless event so it builds up over time like other ammo I get from chest I never use it unless it's for and event because like the caps they put on ammo because of people that do use exploits only ammo I buy with pearls is flare ammo when I can. I do at times and have paid for some other ammo like Burning Ice or Marauders Ammo I do understand why they do it they even at times limit event keys same way it's because of players that do and will exploit this game. Sorry your unsatisfied but legit players do always come up short because of cheaters period.

    TEX~BULL User

    I like the spirited interaction between players but this isn't a discussion thread so I am forced to close now. I will direct you to the event discussion thread found:

    Purgatory's Call

    where you can continue discussions about the event.

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