Why can't we post players names?

Discussion in 'Help' started by PureSpirit2, Feb 11, 2015.

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  1. PureSpirit2

    PureSpirit2 Forum Apprentice

    I've seen this come up quite a bit. Why aren't we allowed to post other player's names in the forum?

    (I don't mind not being able to really, just curious.)
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    It is not that you are not allowed. I can type your name PureSpirit2 and you can type mine (Nimitz) saying hi and making small talk or "I remember when PureSpirit2 was hitting the dutchman NPC" etc.... It is the context that it comes up in usually that is why it is edited out. Any potential hints at calling out a player or a guild for cheating/exploits/glitching is not allowed. Support will follow up any leads sent to them. But, due to privacy laws we cannot allow players to be publicly called out (even if its true) on the open forum.

    I hope this makes sense :)
  3. brwlf13

    brwlf13 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the enlightenment, Nimitz. Was wondering that myself. Thanks!
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Pure spirit do you have any further queries regarding this matter.
  5. PureSpirit2

    PureSpirit2 Forum Apprentice

    that part is answered. Thank you :)

    On a similar note: I am also wondering what happened with the hall of fame today? I went up 60 or so rankings on EP, and many of the famous top players were gone in the hall of fame - but one of the ones who disappeared was still able to login to his account, and said he wasn't banned. Is this some kind of bug?

    Maybe it was a second ban wave?

    Idk - whatever the case, you guys are doing a much better job handling the exploits.
  6. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    We have had a few reports of this, please get this person to post in the tech section with his server and user ID so that we can look into this further.

    Is there anything else we could help you with? :)
  7. PureSpirit2

    PureSpirit2 Forum Apprentice

    Not at the moment.

    Close please and thank you :)
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As per OP request.

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