why don't it work

Discussion in 'Help' started by .Imagine., Nov 16, 2014.

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  1. .Imagine.

    .Imagine. Junior Expert

    I have an Double advantage pack that's good until 11-29-2014, ID. No.
    S90926166 But when I'm on the collecting ,I don't get double anything,why doesn't it work right,never had a problem with it before,why now? Will it be fixed before my time is up? Will be given back the days it don't work or will have to count the days that it don't work and double that time before I ever buy anything on this game again? please help if you can.
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    The only information we have is that we have had more than a few complaints about this issue. We have forwarded this to the appropriate parties to be looked into and resolved.

    After that we have no further news. We hope to be able to provide and update tomorrow when more people are in the office that can help.

    We do apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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