Why I Am the Best Player on Seafight.

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by The*Defiant, Sep 3, 2023.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I bet that title above got somebody's attention! <--( and I am just joking...this is a "tongue-in-cheek" posting). This island in Map 17-1 (on the former U.S. East Server) was recently taken by a longtime guild (I won't name them). It had eight Level-3 towers and four Level-4 towers. One of the guild members was online but apparently was asleep, as he never responded to the alerts you get when you are having your island attacked (and I won't name him, either). I am only a one-man guild. But I took it. (Hooray for the underdogs)! You can see me in my prideful moment below: my badge ranking is 100% honestly earned and my Battle Point badge is 100% honestly earned. And I think I have on the best skin of the 100+ that I have on my ship right now. It is named "Gallant Hunter". Sail on!:)

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2023
  2. TheanswerisTOB

    TheanswerisTOB Forum Greenhorn

    Nice xd
    The*Defiant likes this.
  3. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    You are also one of the few (and I'm also one) that has kept their original ship name (Ship and Forum names match). :)
    M¡ŞÈяŶ and The*Defiant like this.
  4. AlPhA_male_1

    AlPhA_male_1 Forum Apprentice

    defiant i was on and i was the one that your speaking about i was busy doing other thing we dont care about islands we just take them for seasons and to upset a few other guilds and i hope you get what your need for what you said to me in a post to my acct. and im also 1 of the few honest players so for you say that to me in that post and those remakes i hope you enjoy your game play since you only fight someone when they are low or have back .
    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Well - I was just joking around, mate. No harm meant! I was just giving you back some of the constant flak you throw at me in Global Chat. I know you are an honest player, and it is very rare to find. We take this game too seriously at times. (And for what it is worth, I know I am not even close to being the best player on here. I don't even know how anyone could determine that).

    But interestingly enough, this boat originally had a different name! I found "Seafight" through a list of games on the Syfy.com website back in 2009. I signed up using a name from an email account I have. I later saw that was a mistake. Over the course of a year's time - and after being told by Bigpoint it was "impossible to change it" - they finally gave me a new account that I could have a new boat name on, and they moved my in-game assets to it. (I got this by complaining to the Vice President of Public Relations at Syfy.com)!!! I think I only lost like maybe 8 Winter Bonus Maps that they could not move over. But it shows that when someone tells you "that can't be done", they are almost always wrong. Anything can be done under the right circumstances!:)
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 3, 2023
    Bawdyn and M¡ŞÈяŶ like this.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Forum is not a place for such conversation.

    If you believe that such guild or player bot - please contact Support.

    @The*Defiant Do not write post under post use "Edit" option.


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