why is bokors not a priority ?

Discussion in 'Help' started by ▬☼DooM☼▬, Jan 8, 2015.

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  1. ▬☼DooM☼▬

    ▬☼DooM☼▬ Junior Expert

    hello, why is bokors not a priority ?
    you clearly stated ''However, we are treating this problem as our main priority''

    but alas not, as they seem to prioritized , bug fixing ,
    why do they seem to think, that they should prioritize this, instead of sorting out things for which they have already taken the money for, ?
    is that acceptable ?
    same old story, it costs the players, fixed eventually ,
    costs bigpoint fixed very quickly

    why ?
    Foxy_Renegadelady likes this.
  2. Foxy_Renegadelady

    Foxy_Renegadelady Forum Apprentice

    why arent the prizes booked yet?
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Again as stated this is our number one top priority, however some issues can be resolved quicker than others. If a bug was fixed before the bokors this is not because the bokors was not worked upon, just that the bug fix was ready prior to the bokors being resolved.

    There is no point continually going over this issue. This matter is being worked on and will hopefully be resolved shortly.

    We apologise to all pirates for the delay in this matter.

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