why is there no gift????

Discussion in 'Help' started by †hê•G®¡ñ©h, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. †hê•G®¡ñ©h

    †hê•G®¡ñ©h Forum Greenhorn

    there is no gift on the water for today? it has been about 12 hours and no gift and nobody in ranking for today's gift event. if this is an error and the gift was not put on water then maybe everyone should get the piece for ship design since it was a Big Point error.
  2. _SiLvEr_KiLlEr_

    _SiLvEr_KiLlEr_ Forum Greenhorn

    Yes, I would like to ask the same thing. As I was looking for the present for about 3 hours on 3 maps and could not find it same with the other players what is wrong?
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We are aware of the current problems with the Gift Chaser event. We are investigating the problem and will hopefully come up with a fix as soon as possible.
  4. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    I have been looking for two days in maps 17-20 and nothing....now its not the weekend and tough to get on water.... sad :(
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please do not post in other players threads. If you wish to make any comments regarding the event or parts of, please use the official discussion thread.
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