
Discussion in 'Help' started by COUP, Mar 1, 2015.

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  1. COUP

    COUP Advanced

    why are these books being used even though i'm close to npc ? i thought they are only used when you need them and your out of range
  2. The windstorm tome magically increases the range at which your crew can shoot by 33%, but also decreases your accuracy. Hailstorm can't be used in combination with windstorm. In case they are active you can always deactivate them by clicking on the item again.
  3. COUP

    COUP Advanced

    i used to be able to have them on at all times and they would only be used when i needed 33% more
  4. Indeed Coup but I'm afraid this has been changed a while ago when BP introduced the new damage scheme. Since then when activated they are always used even at point blank range until you deactivate them.
  5. COUP

    COUP Advanced

    thank you for your help what a waste i think it was better the old way but then a lot of things were better
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    As the question has been answered correctly, I will now close this thread.

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