Winter maps

Discussion in 'Help' started by Ghost~Anarchy, Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. Ghost~Anarchy

    Ghost~Anarchy Forum Greenhorn

    Hello just wondering why snowballs have been taken from rewards from my winter maps
  2. kevin119988

    kevin119988 Forum Demigod

    I have understand that there is an error with the snowballs from winter maps. I not know if this error was resolved.
    Sorry, I not understand much english, but I think that this is the answer to your questions...
  3. Ghost~Anarchy

    Ghost~Anarchy Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks for the reply but i am not losing out on what other people have got so why cant the reimburse me for this with other ammo for example?
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We have had a few reports of this and are looking into the issue. Thank you for your patience while we look into it.
  5. Tranquil~Water

    Tranquil~Water Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, Has this been sorted yet ?

    Thank you
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    When we have any update on this it will be posted for you.